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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by a member

Q: Stretch marks!

Did anybody find coco butter or any other creams to actually work? I feel like some people just get them and some people don't, so I'm not really sure if there is a way to avoid them.. And if anybody found these creams to work, how soon should I start using them?

This question was asked Feb. 3, 2013 9:09am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by Addie02 - Feb. 11, 2013 6:32am
Stretch marks are mostly genetic, though they can be influenced by how quickly you gain weight. I myself do use cocoa butter (and have since halfway through my second trimester), but it was mostly to keep my tummy from itching horribly, and make sure my skin stayed moisturized. I have to say, the only place I've gotten stretch marks is on my breasts where I DIDN'T use the cocoa butter at first... but again it might just be because I gained the weight there quickly.

So I wouldn't count on it to prevent stretch marks, but I WOULD recommend using it on your tummy/sides just to help with itchiness and help your skin feel a little more stretchy. Good luck!

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Answered by nesssicle - Feb. 4, 2013 3:59pm
I believe its all hereditary too....but as with all things hereditary if you take precautions you can lesson your chances. I think a big factor is not gaining a lot of weight too fast and keeping your skin moist. Ive been using pure vitamin e oil since about 8 weeks. (you can find it in the vitamin section of any grocery store or pharmacy, and its relatively inexpensive. the bottles are small but a little goes a LONG way). Sometimes if the air is really dry, ill mix it in with some palmers coco butter for stretch marks. I haven't gotten once stretch mark yet, but im only at the halfway point, so we'll see!

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Answered by kCharleneS - Feb. 4, 2013 7:14am
It really boils down to genetics. But the oils and creams can help moisturize your belly, which will help later on (trust me) and may make them less noticeable. I started using a cocoa butter oil when I started showing (around 12 weeks since this is my second).

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Answered by kermitpants - Feb. 4, 2013 5:18am
I used Bio-Oil with my first and didn't get any stretch marks. To be honest though - I think the key is over-eating and weight gain too. I put on a very reasonable/healthy 24 lbs with my daughter... so there wasn't a huge amount of stretching to do!
I am pregnant again and @ week 32. I am MUCH older this time around, lol... so I am using a LOT more Bio-Oil (just to be really, really certain.... lol...)... still no stretch marks... I think i've gained around 18lbs..
That seems to be the key for me!! Hope that helps!! x

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Answered by headgear03 - Feb. 3, 2013 10:59pm
I know people who swear by one cream, lotion or another but honestly your going to get them if your going to and your not if your not. I didn't get any with my first and all I used was coco butter because my skin was dry. I got one stretch mark with my second but it didn't show up till after the birth I think I grew real fast that last week and that's when it happened. With my third I started getting a few after 20 weeks but nothing bad . I think I only added four or five new marks that were less then two inches each. I'm expecting more this pregnancy .

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Answered by MrsRobb - Feb. 3, 2013 9:38pm
My midwife told me that stretch marks were hereditary, but I don't entirely believe that. My gramma had stretch marks all over her belly and my mom didn't get any. I'm 27 weeks and I don't have any stretch marks yet and hoping I won't get any. I have been using Palmers cocoa butter on my belly and sides. Even if it doesn't help avoid stretch marks, it can help with the itchiness that comes with the skin stretching as it keeps you moisturized. And the rubbing motion feels relaxing on the stomach :)

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Answered by lucyblue - Feb. 3, 2013 5:11pm
If you are going to get stretch marks, then you are going to get stretch marks. There is no magic cream out there that will prevent them. But I have heard that "Bio-oil" is good for reducing the redness and just making them less visible overall.

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Answered by loveinme - Feb. 3, 2013 4:20pm
Some people use a tons of different products and get stretch marks, other don't use anything at all and never get them. I am currently in week 15, and have been using Ole Henriksen Lavender body oil all over my body after bath on the wet skin. I do so, mostly because the dry winter air makes my skin dry and itchy. But the result is beautifully glowing skin all over the body. I use it as often as I can, but nor every day. I would say 2-3 times a week.

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Answered by mandib17 - Feb. 3, 2013 2:56pm
I used Palmers cocoa butter formula. It was the emolient type cream in the jar. My mom told me that we have poor skin elacticity in the family and I would get them no matter what, but I didnt! Well, I have one or two on my hips, but nothing on my belly! I can't say for sure that the butter is what prevented them, but I did get huge! I am a petite girl, and my belly was humungous! I did drink a lot of water too. I started putting the cocoa butter on in the first trimester. I applied it anywhere from 1-3 times a day. My advice is to put in on your hips and bbs too. I didnt and I ended up with a few marks in those places.

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Answered by nikkiblueeyes - Feb. 3, 2013 10:09am
Oh and i started using it around 12 weeks i think.

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