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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by tmd2992

Q: Did anyone experience this and have a normal pregnancy?

I am 5 weeks and yesterday morning I woke up in the night to go pee, when I wiped there was brown. It is like a mix of old blood and discharge? Of course I was a little worried at first, and it has continued since then. It has not increased and the color is still brown. It is only there when I wipe, never in my panties. I also have not been having any cramping or anything.

Did anyone else experience this and have a normal pregnancy? Or had a miscarriage?

Today is the second day I've had it.

This question was asked Feb. 16, 2013 1:11pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by tmd2992 - Mar. 2, 2013 12:42pm
********FOLLOW UP********
I just wanted anyone who looks at this question for their own concerns, to have some confirmation. I did not miscarry with this experience. The spotting turned pink and then stopped. It hasn't been back since (7w3d today). I did call my doc and he had me do beta testing.

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Answered by FirstTimeMommyx0 - Feb. 17, 2013 9:01pm
I experienced the same thing at 4 weeks.. Only when I wiped, brownish/pinkish discharge.. I went to the docs and he told me it was implantation bleeding.. I also didn't have any cramps and mine lasted about 3 days.. It's very normal just as long as it doesn't become heavier followed by cramping.. I would still call your doctor if I was you just to be safe but I'm sure everything's okay.. Good luck!! :)

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Answered by Bostonmama08 - Feb. 17, 2013 4:22pm
I had that at 5-6 weeks in 2007 with my blighted ovum. I think its the body's way of trying to tell you something isnt right. I called my doctor the next morning and via ultrasound and bloodwork, she confirmed it was not a viable pregnancy. I am sorry to have to give you my bad experience...hope all works out for you.

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Answered by Giddypingu - Feb. 17, 2013 8:09am
I had this from 5 weeks to about 8 weeks, I called the doctor after the third time it happened and they immediately sent me for a scan. Turns out they couldn't see any reason for it, and told me not to worry, it just happens for some reason, I had it one more time after the scan at 7 weeks, and nothing since. Alls good now at 12 weeks... So call your doctor but try not to worry - it does happen.

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Answered by msbritt07 - Feb. 16, 2013 11:05pm
This has happened to me I went to the hospital the doc told me it was old blood being that u are 5 weeks it could just be blood that was there when your period was suppose to start. My doc tells me unless I'm bleeding heavily and have severe abdominal pain not to worry. Is it heavy

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Answered by sophia-goreham - Feb. 16, 2013 7:58pm
i had bright red bleeding at 6 weeks which lasted for 3-4 days I went to the doctors as a few days before I had stabbing pains I had a scan and everything was fine they just said that it was a threatened miscarriage but everything is fine like pp have said brown is usually fine its red that you should be concerned about but even then it could be nothing im 26 weeks now and still get stabbing pains occasionally I think its just one of those things really but if you are worried then go see a doctor as the stress wont help either

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Answered by lyssa787 - Feb. 16, 2013 4:12pm
I had this too and was told NOT to call in. My doctor said the only time I should worry is if its bright red or I'm in a lot of pain. I agree that if you haven't seen your Dr yet, you should call now and see what they say, otherwise go with the advice they gave you
I. Go to a Dr who's very understanding of my wishes on having a naturally birth or miscarriage, which is why she advised me not to call, but just let my body do its thing without worrying. Hoping the best for you and your little one!

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Answered by lucyblue - Feb. 16, 2013 3:43pm
I think bleeding is only a concern if the blood is bright red and gets heavier and is accompanied by pain. I would call your doctor just to put your mind at ease. xo

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Answered by a member - Feb. 16, 2013 3:42pm
I had what I remember to be exactly the same spotting around 5 weeks, then a horrible uti at 7 weeks then at 9 weeks. I think all for different reasons. Then I had spotting at like 13 weeks which I believe was a previously diagnosed sch finally working its way out. I freaked every time. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I had never had any spotting before. I'm now 34 weeks and my baby is healthy. I believe it's 50/50 to say that spotting that early is moal or a sign of a problem. I agree that you should call your doc. They can identify where the spotting is from and it's important to get checked for your blood type so you can get a rhogam shot if needed, or whether its cervical bleeding, etc. Docs get asked questions all the time - don't feel silly about getting checked. That's what they are there for. Hth.

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Answered by babyspraker - Feb. 16, 2013 3:19pm
I had that starting in the 5th week and it continued on until eventually I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. It was only when I wiped and it was brownish discharge like. It CAN be normal, but it also can be a sign of a problem. Get ahold of a doctor and they can check you out. I don't mean to worry you, but I was just one of the unfortunate ones where this was not a normal thing. Good luck!

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