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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: Please help :'(

My partner has been very edgy lately and not his usual self. tonight he lost it over something so small and started calling me a whore and when I told him to leave me alone he smashed my dinner out of my hand and lasange went all over the floor. After he done thign out of natural reaction i threw my fork at him! (idiot!!) then he slapped me across the face really hard.

His never even raised his voice at me let alone touched me. I dont know what to do.

This question was asked May. 23, 2012 8:49am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by a member - May. 23, 2012 9:39pm
Really? Throwing a fork is just as bad as slapping someone? R u kidding me? Anyways, I think you really need to think about what is best for you and your baby, if he's starting now, how will it be when the baby is born? Also will he take his anger out on the baby? Maybe get some councling to help you deal with this.

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Answered by looney - May. 23, 2012 8:16pm
He crossed the line at knocking your dinner out of your hands. But, in my opinion you both were equally as wrong with the physical violent attacks. Throwing a fork at someone is just as violent as him slapping you. Had he not knocked the food out of your hand first, I'd say that you were both equally wrong, whether or not you are a woman, whether or not you a pregnant. I don't stand for violence, but unlike a lot of people, I'm not one sided when I look at it. It is unacceptable for WOMEN and men to be violent. I'd suggest therapy for the both of you. ((hugs)) Good luck!

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Answered by Our1st - May. 23, 2012 7:28pm
That is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE behavior. You need to leave. It may be difficult, but clearly the relationship has turned into an unhealthy one. No matter what the reasoning is, he should never put his hands on you. The fact that you are pregnant just reinforces that. This is not something to take chances with. No second chance. If you say you will try and if he does it again you will leave, you are only lying to yourself. The longer you stay the harder it will be. I work for my Police Department and I know first hand that this is not a chance you need to take.

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Answered by a member - May. 23, 2012 3:31pm
Well I will say this, a similar thing happened to me with my husband (when we first got together); he pushed me into a wall when he had been drinking and pinned me there when he got upset about something we were fighting about. When it was over I straight out told him it was not acceptable and that I wasn't going to take that. He realized he was overboard and also agreed that he didn't want to be a guy like that. He apologized and has never done anything even close since. He also stopped drinking that particular type of liquor, whether that was an excuse who knows. Talk to him, but make sure you stand your ground, physical and emotional violence is not acceptable at all (and you should not have thrown the fork at him, not that that is an excuse for him to slap you). You have more than just yourself to think about now. Leave if he ever does it again.

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 23, 2012 2:46pm
it had a HUGE lasting affect on me physically and mentally even to this day. Being in high stress situations makes for not so healthy babies. I know this from experience. You need to find someone you can talk to about this that can help you through making your decisions on how you can either, A. talk to him.. or B. Leave. I know that option B sometimes feels soooo hard and it can be but with the right support you can get through it. Thinking and praying for you.

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 23, 2012 2:44pm
Ok I am going to answer this question from the unborn babies stand point. My father was very abusive to my mother once she became pregnant. He was also an alcoholic and would turn abusive when he was drunk. Sometimes... its not worth it staying with the father because you have a child together. The stress my mom went through because of the abuse because she not only had the physical abuse led to me having a lot of health problems even to this day. There was a time he even went off so bad that he hit my mom in the belly when she was 8 months pregnant with me. I have had health problems / mental issues galore ever since birth. Its NOT worth it. I have lived 31 years of my life struggling with multiple issues. Then once I was born the incident that it took for her to leave him was him throwing me, yes throwing me, in my hair chair and knocking it over. While I don't remember a lot of these things (some i actually do) ...

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - May. 23, 2012 1:37pm
Hun..It took one really random day of sitting in my sorrow watching non other then OPRAH. this story popped up one day..I had seen it before and thought..."what stupid lady stays for that crap"...But this particular day...I saw it from the victims eyes, heart, and soul..Please take a look at it..look up her story through google after watching this...PLEASE. Get yourself away now! I'm praying for you. You need to have a zero tolerance for any abuse..emotional, mental, physical! God Bless

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - May. 23, 2012 1:33pm
I'm sorry for completely disagreeing with you other ladies... but If he can let something get to the point of physical contact now...things are only going to reach this point sooner once the baby comes..and as time goes by. I was in this spot while pregnant with my first(now my EX)..Once turned into twice..He was sorry..then it turned into choking...then it turned into holding me down..throwing me down..throwing things at me..nearly breaking my arm..choking while throwing me.... UMMMMMM Once turned into several times..and it got to a point that I felt stuck. I had let it go once..and felt stupid telling anybody.. because it mentally began screwing with my perfectly logical thinking. I couldn't think anymore.
You are at your most vulnerable spot now! Pregnant..you are most fragile NOW..If he can hurt you and look past that now..IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE...I PROMISE! I KNOW FOR A FACT. THEY CAN NOT TURN THE SWITCH OFF..IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.. REGARDLESS OF HOW NICE HER NORMALLY IS.

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Answered by a member - May. 23, 2012 1:20pm
things are alot harder and more stressful when a newborn is in the picture, so i worry about how he will act then..... I would leave and stay at your parents or a friends house for a couple days. let him know you are SERIOUSLY not okay with this. especially while you are pregnant. I know arguments can get out of hand without really meaning it but thats is so dangerous. be safe! xxx

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Answered by a member - May. 23, 2012 1:10pm
WOW!!! thats totally uncalled for,him hitting you!! you should not put up with that, not ONLY bc your pregnant but also bc once they start it doesnt stop! its not just a "one time thing" you need to take care of you and that baby! what if he knocked you over, what if next time he punches you!!! thats not cool! i was in an abusive relationship for 2 years!! do yourself a favor, IF he does it again, leave the house even if its just for a night...he needs to learn you WONT put up with that!! bc if you dont do anything he'll keep thinking its ok!!! it seems like theres some tension built up!! has there been any infidelity in the relationship?? for him to just haul off and call you a whore is way out of liine and disrespectful...if my fiance called me a whore, id go stay at my mothers for the night! i wish you all the best, get some numbers and call them it helps to talk and have some help...remember you and your unborn child are whats most important..has he even apologized, or ta

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