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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Lucky3

Q: Is it crazy that I'm waiting for morning sickness?

I'm 5+2 today and I'm starting to get nervous that I haven't had any m/s yet. In the early stages of pg, I find that I'm always looking for the next confirmation that this one is going well. I've had 2 successful pregnancies with m/s the whole time. But this time...nothing. I read that women who get m/s are less likely to suffer m/c so I'm beginning to worry.
Is this normal? You'd think the 3rd time around I'd feel like an old pro...but it's been 6 years and I'm just as lost as I was the first time!
Thanks for letting me vent... :-)
Oh, I should note, I DO have other symptoms, the biggest ones being fatigue and sore bbs. (Like even to the point I can't tolerate the shower running on them.)

This question was asked Jul. 30, 2012 2:12pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by zaiobaio - Jul. 30, 2012 3:14pm
My morning sickness did start with both my preg.. in the end of week 6. So it is just a bit early that`s why you didnt have m/s yet ....Or maybe you are lucky this time ..every pregnancy is different so If you had m/s with the first 2 it is not necessary to have it with this one. Congrats and good luck!

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