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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by Rockabump

Q: I really need some advise...PLEASE HELP!

I have a mother In law who acts a crazy. I can't deal With it. Here is a list of some of her crazy moments. Keep in mind that my husband has raised my daughter since she was 13 months old (now 9 yrs old), his family is all she knows.
1) MIL tells my daughter she is to biologically hers so this is her first real grand baby. Why hurt a child who just wants to be loved?
2) she asked me to GIVE her my 13 month old the second time met her. So now she tells me that if I have a girl, she WILL be raising it. If we have twins she gets to pick the one to raise. WTH!
3) lets me know she will do what she wants with MY baby. What I don't know, won't hurt me. Ex: sleeping in the same bed, taking the baby to a church we don't agree with.
4) wont have a shower cause we don't belong to her church. Says A family shower there isn't enough people. WTH!
We tried talking to her but she won't listen. My DH told me to deal with it cause she won't change. BUT I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT RIGHT???

This question was asked Mar. 5, 2013 8:37pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by rachdunn2011 - Mar. 6, 2013 3:08pm
Im very lucky to have a wonderful mother in law who cares what I think. If I was in your shoes I def would not let her take my kids at all something is not right here. Better safe then sorry

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