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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by MRSJSL

Q: i'm only 16 and pregnant. and i'm actually scared. this is the 2nd pregnancy i had last any advice?

i'm only 16 and pregnant. and i'm actually scared. this is the 2nd pregnancy i had a miscarriage last time. any advice on how to maintain a health pregnancy?

This question was asked May. 31, 2013 7:31am
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by MRSJSL - May. 31, 2013 3:00pm
thank you Janny

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Answered by janny01 - May. 31, 2013 2:37pm
Thats a bit harsh no need to be rude to you!!
You just take it easy and enjoy your pregnancy :-D

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Answered by MRSJSL - May. 31, 2013 2:15pm
i will!

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Answered by Tottie36 - May. 31, 2013 2:13pm
No worries just enjoy and relax :)

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Answered by MRSJSL - May. 31, 2013 2:09pm
thank you tottie.! that last person, no. i'm catholic and i even messaged her and she caught an attitude. i'm sorry i was raised catholic. and i don't believe and the stuff she does. but thank you for your advice.

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Answered by Tottie36 - May. 31, 2013 2:07pm
Well that's not going to put her mind at rest.
So what she's pregnant at 16 the baby will grow join a loving home now matter what I'm sure,and statistics show that many marriages can break down regardless of age.
I'm 43 divorced with 5 children

So in answer to your question just eat healthy avoid stress and what will be will be
Good luck to you x

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Answered by Carenda1219 - May. 31, 2013 11:45am
not to be mean but you are way to young to be getting pregnant....just talk with your doctor, but I think you should also start looking into something called protection. It is well known that teen pregnancies lead to more teen pregnancies....you are creating a horrible spiral effect and ruining your own life....I am not some preachy christian I just come from a family full of teen pregnancies and I have see how it hurts the children more so than the child-parent. Luckily I was smart enough and learned good morals to not be like them....this is my first child and I am 24 with a home, good income, and a very mature husband that has always dreamed of having a family ( he was raised the southern way lol holds doors and pulls out chairs and everything) I just hope you can support yourself and your child....statistics show that teen relationships especially when a baby comes into the picture do not last....the men will leave....

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Answered by Mom2be87 - May. 31, 2013 8:21am
There's nothing u can really do.. Just avoid smoking, drinking and minimise caffeine.. Also u can ask ur dr what's safe to eat cause some things aren't recommended during pregnancy..
However, I was really healthy my first pregnancy but had a miscarriage anyways.. So just relax and let nature do its thing.. No point of worrying eventhough it's so hard not to.. :)

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