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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by dbrissette

Q: Low hcg early on. Any success stories?

I had a pregnancy test done a couple of days ago. My hcg was 16. The fertility nurse said they want to see it between 80-120. Could be just too early to tell or chemical pregnancy. I go for my second test today. Anyone have a similar story? What happened. I will have the results today, but I'm just nervous

This question was asked Sep. 25, 2013 9:56am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by hopefullll - Sep. 25, 2013 1:20pm
I agree, the second number matters the most. I've heard of sooo many situations where the first beta was super low and then the next draw was way better. First numbers are all so different so it's hard to say. It also depends greatly on how far along you are. If you literally just found out and the your BFP was super duper faint then at 16 isn't that strange. If you've had a few days of BFP's then it might be a little different. Either way, don't stress till your next draw. Fingers crossed that all is well

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