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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by truestar070

Q: D&C scheduled next Tuesday. What to expect ...?

Went for another u/s today 7w5d and once again no heartbeat. Don't have miscarriage symptoms but the Doc is 100% sure the pregnancy is over and scheduled D&C next Tuesday. I am going for a second opinion just in case tho I don't expect any different result.

Has anyone done D&C? What should I expect? Does it hurt ...? How long does it take ..?

Thanks ladies xxx

This question was asked Nov. 29, 2013 3:03pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Lou_85 - Nov. 30, 2013 8:29am
Seems like your doctor should be going through more training, that is ridiculous. A 5sec scan?! She should've been doing a more detailed check. Honestly i would lodge a complaint about your doc, and go get another second opinion ASAP.

Good luck x

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Nov. 30, 2013 4:06am
You are under NO obligation to go back to a dr you are not comfortable with! It is your body and your decision! It sounds like she is really bullying you into going along with what she wants and that is not ok! It will hurt nothing to wait a little longer and see what happens. If you're going to miscarry, then you will anyway. But if the other dr is right and there is something there, then its worth it to hold out and see what happens. Especially if you saw it too. Nobody can make you have the d&c if you dont want to. That's what freedom of choice is all about. The freedom to do it if you want or NOT do it. Please do not go back to the first dr, she does not have you're best interest in mind! Protecting our children as parents starts way before their birth and you have every right to do exactly that!

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Nov. 30, 2013 12:45am
Don't go through with the D&C!! Switch to the doctor you got your second opinion from and don't return to the other. If you have a medical personnel not to touch the baby then you should wait. It could very well be that because of how your uterus is it makes getting a good image a lot harder.

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Answered by jennavee - Nov. 30, 2013 12:26am
I can't believe the doctor is brushing this off so lightly! I would not return to her. Your gut feeling is usually right, and if you are not comfortable with a d&c, don't have it done! Trust your instincts and the other 2 opinions you've gotten. I hope everything works out well for you and the baby!

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Answered by truestar070 - Nov. 29, 2013 11:50pm
I feel like my doc is pushing me for the D&C. I am NOT comfortable with her quick decisions at all! She wanted me to do D&C at 6w5d. She said the sac is empty. Then I went to another hospital for a second opinion and surely enough there was a baby!! She agreed to wait another week. Today the u/s lasted literally 5 seconds and she was "no, it's over, no heartbeat" and called the nurse to take me to the lab for blood work (preparation for the D&C) and I also had to sign some papers saying that I agree ...which I did. I don't feel this D&C is my decision at all. I changed my mind over the last few hours due to yet another second opinion (another doc saw heartbeat) and Not willing to proceed with D&C. I am more worried about telling my doctor that I want to Wait another week that the pregnancy itself. It's crazy!!! Can't sleep, this doctor is Freaking me Out!

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Answered by tasha* - Nov. 29, 2013 10:53pm
Hi ya, how confusing and upsetting for you!!! Worse case scenario (which I hope its not) is you will be put to sleep when you have a D&C so you wont feel a thing. I had a missed miscarriage at 12/14 weeks baby had died at 6. I carried on feeling pregnant, and it was only when I went for a dating scan I found out. My period was normal as it all gets 'cleared' out. I fell the vey next month with my now 9 year old son.

Hope your little bean is here to stay though!!

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Answered by Amandahugzandkiss - Nov. 29, 2013 9:54pm
I am so sorry you were let down again by another us I think getting a second opinion is a great choice a d an c is a bit painful usually they wait until your dilated and place a vacuumed like object into your utures and it sucks out everything and to prevent infection, I hope u don't have to go through that I am so sorry your going through a very hard time was there a hb?and if yes what was the bpm if you need anything just message me,good luck on that second opinion,

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Answered by PrettyBee - Nov. 29, 2013 7:29pm
glad you got the 2nd opinion. please wait...retroverted uteruses make it so much harder to get accurate results.

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Answered by chehowca - Nov. 29, 2013 7:06pm
YAY!!!! I'm so glad for that second opinion!

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Answered by Debs1983 - Nov. 29, 2013 7:02pm
If I were you I would definitely wait, good luck x

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