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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by truestar070

Q: D&C scheduled next Tuesday. What to expect ...?

Went for another u/s today 7w5d and once again no heartbeat. Don't have miscarriage symptoms but the Doc is 100% sure the pregnancy is over and scheduled D&C next Tuesday. I am going for a second opinion just in case tho I don't expect any different result.

Has anyone done D&C? What should I expect? Does it hurt ...? How long does it take ..?

Thanks ladies xxx

This question was asked Nov. 29, 2013 3:03pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by truestar070 - Nov. 29, 2013 6:54pm
Thank you so much for your replies ladies, do I wait with the D&C? ...I mean if the pulse is sooo weak and the baby measures so far behind is the D&C inevitable anyway?... just a question of time (not if but when). Don't know what to think .....

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Answered by truestar070 - Nov. 29, 2013 6:47pm
Just got back from the second doctor and he said quote "Don't you dare touch the baby". He saw a pulse/flicker, Very Weak but THERE! Even I saw it. The baby measures behind 6w2d but he said because of my titled uterus is difficult to see. He told me to go back in few days and NOT to proceed with the D&C.

I have never been so Lost. Two doctors two extremely different opinions. The first one scheduled the D&C in 3 days and second one says "Don't touch the baby". I don't have bleeding and cramping, in fact I don't have Any miscarriage symptoms. I guess I am going to wait ...so the saga continues. This is no fun, I'll tell ya ugh!

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Answered by Zarimomy - Nov. 29, 2013 6:38pm
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, God always makes it easy for you with time. I had a D&C last year, I had an inevitable miscarriage @ 20 weeks, and sorry to say it was very painful, I wouldn't want to go through anything like that, but God gives us so much strength. And He will bless you again.

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Nov. 29, 2013 5:16pm
I had a missed miscarriage back in 2011, I had a second opinion right away but it didn't change the results. I refused to have the D&C and I refused a pill to help it along. I waited an extra week to miscarry naturally. It was extremely hard on me emotion and mentally. I'm hoping yours goes the other way. If it turns out for the worse don't try again right away, take the time to grieve and when the time is right you will be blessed with a little one.

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Answered by kate80 - Nov. 29, 2013 5:15pm
had one back in january after i was booked in hospital they gave me some tablets to open the cervix aprpx 2 hrs later i was taken for general anastetic and cant remember the thing till i woke up about 1.5 hrs later didnt even bleed a lot it was more like spotting i was 13w gone by then was discharge the same day
sorry for your loss xxx

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Answered by chehowca - Nov. 29, 2013 5:13pm
I'm so sorry to hear about our loss. I do not have any experience with a D&C, as I took misprostil for my miscarriage. Just wanted to send out some energy your way during this difficult time.

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