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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by HzlGreenEyes

Q: Breast Pumps

I'm in the process of picking out a breast pump. My insurance covers the cost of many different brands from Medela, Ameda, Spectra... the list seems endless. For my 1st, I ended up renting a hospital breast pump that was amazing... but I am not renting again. Can you please give me an idea of the ones that you have used and love to help me make a choice from this list. I plan on being mobile with it so that I don't have to be stuck at home to pump. Thank you in advance!

This question was asked Nov. 25, 2014 6:16pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by Mmkohl - Nov. 25, 2014 6:47pm
Medela double pump! I still have the one from my first but since my insurance covers it ill be getting a new one. Ya never know when something will break or if somebody I know without insurance may need one!

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Answered by football_girl - Nov. 25, 2014 6:42pm
I'm a FTM, so I can't comment off of first-hand experience, but I've always heard Medela is the best. After reading a lot of reviews, that's what I'll be going with as it was also recommended to me by nearly everyone I've spoken with. There are so many choices- good luck!

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