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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Bailher

Q: Young and doubtful

Hi, I'm Bailey. I had my first ultrasound the other day. I'm 6 weeks along and I'm due September 9th. I'll be 17 when I have my baby and will still have a semester left of high school. Every time I see a commercial with babies and kids in it, it just really depresses me. Because I'm going to be having a kid so young. I feel so terrible bringing a baby into the world without having a dad. I'm afraid that I'm going to be alone for awhile because of this.. I have a lot of support from my friends, mom and family, but I'm still doubtful that I can really do this.. I'm still just a kid myself.. Some days I'm sort of excited to have a baby, and other days, I'm extremely depressed and want to terminate the pregnancy (which I can't afford). My job is only giving me 7-8 hours a week.. I definitely cant afford to have this baby if I cant afford an abortion.. I don't know what to do or what to think to try and feel better. I hate myself more and more everyday. This is exhausting... Any advice? :(

This question was asked Jan. 18, 2015 4:49am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:34pm
I dont have the strength or money to support a baby. I had plans.. I was going to join the military and become a nurse.. If I keep the baby, I will never be able to accomplish my goals and dreams. And there's no way I'm going through months and months of pain and misery just to destroy my body and give somebody else my baby. I just cant. I know that sounds selfish.. but I'm 16. Of course I'm going to be concerned about my body. I mean I'm already overweight and unattractive enough as is, why would i want to just ruin it even more? I feel bad for feeling and saying all this but I cant stop. I cant view this any differently. There is literally NOTHING good about being 16 and pregnant from a one night stand.. I'm never going to get a man. I'll never be able to go to college. I'll struggle and be unhappy my entire life, just like my mom did and god, I do NOT want that..

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Answered by Bailher - Jan. 18, 2015 5:03pm
I'm just idk.. My mom told me that my body would never be the same. And I know that sounds so selfish to take a life over.. but I had plans. I was going to join the military and become a nurse. If I keep it, I'll never be able to accomplish my goals or dreams. I'll struggle for the rest of my life, just like my mom. And god, I do NOT want that. I'll never find a man. And I there's there's adoption but I really would prefer not to ruin my body right now and go through months and months of pain and misery and then birth just for somebody else to have my baby. I feel bad for thinking and feeling the way I do.. but I can't stop.

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Answered by mandy. - Jan. 18, 2015 12:28pm
Your doubts and worries are normal for any pregnant woman regardless of your age, Yes you need to seek advice about all the options available to you. You are very lucky to have a supportive family and friends, Talk to your Mum about what you are feeling she may not of been your age when she was pregnant for the first time but I am sure she felt some of the things you are feeling!

I know there are so many women on this site that have put everything into making a baby, and many that have lost them. But I do not think we should be giving our opinion's on what we believe is right or wrong! The right thing to do is an individuals choice. Good Luck!

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