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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Celine

Q: Boy or Girl? Old Wives Tale Gender Prediction Test

So one of my husband's female friends wanted to me to post a question to see if I'm really having a boy or really having a girl. Well, here it goes:

Morning sickness: Not severe in the first trimester, but still threw up

Pregnancy glow: Yes, especially in the first trimester

Cravings: 1st trimester: sweet French red wine and cheese; 2nd trimester: strawberries and raspberries; 3rd trimester (currently): any kind of brands of chocolate, including Merci chocolate

Chinese Gender Calendar: Girl (others have often said boy, even based off Due Date)

Mayan Gender Calendar: Girl

Headaches: on and off

Skin: Soft

Belly: out and in the middle, not high or low

Mood: has mood swings than usually

Balance: Graceful

Heartburn: No

Daddy's weight: Maintaining

Am I missing anything else? If I am, please let me know

This question was asked Jun. 19, 2018 8:38pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by eemanava - Jun. 6, 2019 3:00am
Lately I’ve been feeling nauseous and been puking and staying in bed

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Answered by Celine - Jun. 26, 2018 7:18pm
Thank you, sonata85, for your answer

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Answered by sonata85 - Jun. 23, 2018 12:17pm
I’m on my second girl pregnancy, and my symptoms were so different in the beginning everyone thought boy until I found out via NIPT results that we were having a second girl, later confirmed by ultrasound. No morning sickness with my 1st, definitely with my second. With my first I craved sweets and with this one salty things. Skin is great both times. The only other common symptoms have been crazy horrible heartburn, and the Chinese gender predictor said girl both times. So I may not be the best person to answer lol but I would say girl based on the gender predictors and boy based on my own experience with girls and horrible heartburn. Either way you will know soon!!

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