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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: Subchorionic Hemorrhage at 7 weeks

While on vacation this weekend, I started spotting VERY lightly after sex, it worried me, but I chalked it up to irritation caused by intercourse. The next day I started spotting lightly again, a bit more freaked out this time, we went to the ER. They did an ultrasound, and said the baby is fine, measuring right on schedule at 6w6d with a heartbeat of 131 bpm. Then they added that there is a small "subchorionic hemorrhage" around where the baby implanted. The doctor discharged me with instructions to stay off my feet and pelvic rest until I can call my OB and hopefully get in Monday. Has anyone else experienced this in their current or previous pregnancies?? I'm more than a little worried.

This question was asked Aug. 14, 2011 5:37pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Emma82v - Aug. 15, 2011 3:06pm
Listen to your gut. Cause if you don't you really don't want to regret it. My dr wasn't overly concerned either when i finally met her, but i was very thankful that i spent days on the couch afterwards, it kept my mind at ease for having done what i could. Remember to drink lots of fluids (if you can... i found water really turned my stomach, so it was hard). And make certain you don't lift anything heavy (that was noted all on sites and told to me by my dr.). At least until you see her at your next apt then you can maybe be more relaxed about things. I had forgot to write last night. that a SCH is basically a blood clot between the uterus and placenta. From my research it usually occurs at implantation, and not something that you have done to make it happen, however sometimes overworking/lifting or intercourse can aggravate it. By 20 weeks it should have bled out or be absorbed back into your body, that it appears gone. Take it easy!

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Answered by a member - Aug. 15, 2011 2:12pm
Thank you for answering! I just got off the phone with my OB's nurse. She told me if I'm no longer spotting to just wait until my next appt next Monday. She said to call her right away if I start spotting again, but that I dont need to be on bedrest. I'm a little confused, everything I've read about SCH says to stay off your feet and take it easy, I'm a hairdresser, if I go to work I'm on my feet the whole day! My gut is telling me to stay home and rest so this thing doesn't get any larger. I don't know what to do 8(

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Answered by Emma82v - Aug. 15, 2011 8:19am
On the net, i found a bit of info between my ER visit and my dr visit. Just to let you know, SCH can be bad, but most settle themselves by 20 weeks. Mine was roughly 3.5x1.5x1 at 10 weeks, (the size of the SCH vs the size of the fetus is a big determinant on probable outcome). Apparently that is medium sized per my dr. There have been stories of woman with a lot bigger, that have had babies still. my dr. thought that intercourse provoked it, and said pelvic rest for the next four weeks. Between seeing her, i had already started (from info i saw on the net), plus she said no lifting of more than 5 pounds, and no Orgasms whatsoever (to avoid uterus contractions). Also drink lots of fluids to help the placenta grow/build strong. Hope this helps you feel a little better ( i much prefer to be armed with info than not!) Some woman are put on complete bed rest to help, so take it easy for the next little while, and good luck.

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Answered by Emma82v - Aug. 15, 2011 8:13am
HI, I thought i would let you know about my experience to date with a SCH. I had very similar experience at 10 weeks, i had intercourse with my husband and woke up bleeding (heavy red blood for maybe an hour) the next day, was freaked, but put it off to intercourse. Two days later, bled again heavy red blood when i was at work in the middle of the day. I went to the ER, blood and urine tests, and an emergency u/s, they saw the baby, and got good heartbeat. Blood levels were good, and not RH incompatible. they asked me to come back the next day for a proper u/s. The next day on the u/s the tech said, there was a SCH, and that there was still blood around it (kinda normal if i was bleeding the day before). The ER dr, said not much else than to take it easy until i saw my dr. When i finally saw her (3 weeks later), we heard a strong heartbeat. She told me to take it real easy for the next four weeks, and then if there was no bleeding that i should be back to normal pregnancy.

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