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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a guest

Q: everytime i go washroom and i look on my underwear theres like some white gooy stuff i don't know wh

everytime i go washroom and i look on my underwear theres like some white gooy stuff i don't know what it could be? could it be my mucos plug ? im 30 weeks & 4 days pregnant .

This question was asked Aug. 15, 2011 10:21pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by onemor83 - Aug. 17, 2011 4:51pm
I've never seen my mucus plug so i'm not sure what that would look like,but I do know that I am now having to wear pantyliners at 13 wks because of the amount of discharge I'm having...If its not bothering you or giving you any discomfort I wouldn't worry about it & if it really concerns you then you should call your Dr. its very normal to have a lot of discharge during pregnancy.

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Answered by octivia - Aug. 16, 2011 12:20am
Could be your plug, could be a yeast infection could be normal discharge.

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