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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by a member

Q: Sharp Pains

Hi everyone,

I have a quick question for all of you. The last couple days now I have started getting a really bad pain in my lower left side abdomen. It comes and goes but it's more then a period cramp, its a sharp pain. I have been getting the light cramping all over as well. That I can tolerate, it just gets annoying. I woke up a few times last night because of the sharp pain. Sometimes the pain switches from side to side but for the most part, this stabbing pain has been on the left. I have had miscarriages in my past and I am very worried about this pain. I am 6 weeks pregnant now and just don't know what to think. If anybody has had these type of pains and may know what causes it please do tell. I know people say it's growing pains but wow, this is a little stronger.

This question was asked Aug. 17, 2011 12:08pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by TheMrs - Aug. 25, 2011 12:22am
Round Ligament Pain. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. I hate to be a downer but for me they got worse. My doctor is just keeping an eye on them.

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Answered by airiesing - Aug. 17, 2011 1:16pm
Does it happen when you change positions?? It is possible for it to be round ligament pain even this early because the pulling is not just because pushing & pulling of the ligaments but also the chemical that begins to loosen them....I'm almost 8 weeks & started having them at about 5.5 (this is my 2nd, so I'm familiar w/ the feeling) One night I had to sleep on the couch because the extra support kept me on my side & supported in more places. usually they are brief but they can hurt like blazes! If you can find a comfortable position that consistently doesn't hurt, I would say it's probably the RLP. If it keeps up, I'd check w/ your doc just to be safe.

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