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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by cmail305

Q: not gaining weight.

i was wondering what you think, im 27w5d preg and i dont look like im pregnant at all most people think im lying when i tell them. i have lost weight the last 2 times i went to the doctors office. i got an ultrasound and they said the baby looks healthy. but im kind of scared that something is wrong.

any advice helps.

This question was asked Apr. 20, 2012 5:02pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by asfarflaf - Apr. 23, 2012 12:59am
i just wanted to say that i lost 40 lbs with my 3rd. i'm on my 4th. (i'm 27w6d) and so far i have lost 27 lbs. my dr is not concerned in the least since baby is right on target with growth. i was overweight to begin with, and still am. i started the pg at 202 and am now at 175. as long as your dr says everything is fine, try not to worry. :)

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Answered by BritsExpecting88 - Apr. 20, 2012 11:25pm
Hi I am in the same boat but I been losing weight instead of gaining. I was 157 when i got pregnant now I am 150 its slowly dropping my doc said the baby looks great so nothing to be concerned about.

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Answered by first-time-mum2012 - Apr. 20, 2012 8:10pm
hiya hunni, i actually didn't start gaining any weight at all untill i was atleast 28 weeks, then i shot out, i wouldn't worry yourself over it too much (: xx

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Apr. 20, 2012 6:07pm
As long as the baby is growing, and the Doctors say everything is fine, I'd count my lucky stars :)

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Apr. 20, 2012 5:34pm
As long as the drs arent concerned and baby looks good, I wouldnt worry. I never lost any of the baby weight from my first pregnancy, so I dont look pregnant either. Ive been gaining and losing the 4lbs from the beginning. I have gained more than that.

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