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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by rrhwood

Q: Do I need a 2nd opinion?

I am 37 wks, I went to the doctor this morning complaining of mild chest pain, lightheaded, swelling that did not go down from last night. My BP was 165/86. While at the office I started to see little floaters. My doctor came in and seen me, told me I was fine and to see him in one week. Should I be more concerned or am I overreacting?

This question was asked Aug. 23, 2011 5:47pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by airiesing - Aug. 23, 2011 9:24pm
My thoughts are that you should trust your gut, it's your right to do so! Never argue with the mama!!!

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Answered by TangleBirdie - Aug. 24, 2011 12:29am
I would, just to be safe ! 2nd opinion never hurt anyone, infact the save alot of people !!

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Answered by KayS-R - Aug. 25, 2011 3:16am
I had similar symptoms and bp reading and was admitted. I was diagnosed to have Mild Pregnancy Induced Hypertension.... There are many health risks to the baby when the mother has high blood pressure.. I too am 37 weeks and am not on tablets to keep my pressure down... Get that second opinion QUICK!!!!

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Answered by onemor83 - Aug. 24, 2011 4:49pm
Your BP was very high that day & that's not something your doctor should brush off...being dizzy in pregnancy is normal because of the amount of blood flow going through your body,but the dizziness could also come from the high BP,same thing for the headaches. High blood pressure is pretty normal for pregnant women but its not ok to leave it that way....the swelling is also normal but it too could come from high BP...I'd get a second opinion. In the mean time stay away from salt,drink plenty of water & don't stay on your feet or your butt for too long of a time & elevate your legs.

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Answered by a guest - Aug. 25, 2011 2:56am
I had the same problem and a similar blood pressure reading. I was admitted and spent two days in the hospital as I was diagnosed to have Mild Pregnancy induced Hypertension. I too am 37 weeks along.... Get the second opinion... It wont hurt to know

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Answered by avidwriter15 - Sep. 16, 2011 4:09am
I had similar symptoms with my first at 36 weeks and they admitted me for observation and then induced me at 37+1 - for mild pre-eclampsia - not something to second guess! Hope your doctors get their acts together.. good luck!

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Answered by rrhwood - Aug. 24, 2011 5:57pm
Thanks for the answers. I went to the ER last night my BP was 171/107. I was rushed up to L&D and they put me on my side and they came down. They told me to start taking them on my side. I did so and well they are back up 166/92. I called my DR and I leaving in a few to see him again :(. I live a hour away and this is costing me so much money....but at the same time I DO NOT want my baby to be harmed. I really wish he would either keep me or take the baby since I am considered full term now.

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