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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by ilovebabybumps

Q: anyone else feel like they are just waiting around?

hi all, im 25weeks and 3days and lately i feel like im just waiting around and its going so slow since my 20week scan! everyone said it would fly by but its really not lol. anyone got any tips to take my mind of this pregnancy for a while? its making it worse as everyone keeps asking when im going on maternity leave at work but i didnt want to go until i was at least 36weeks. is that pushing it too far?

This question was asked May. 9, 2012 10:05am
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by ilovebabybumps - May. 9, 2012 7:14pm
thank you ladies, think the main message there of u all was 'chill out and enjoy the peace!' lol i have been thinking about making something for baby because i love making things and i think it would be great but im going to look around and get some ideas. thanks again

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - May. 9, 2012 2:06pm
My only suggestion (being as this is my second) is make sure you have everything. About this point with my first I was building my birth plan and getting copies printed off, making sure I had everything for baby (if not I always had extras in case), started packing my bag with things I wasnt going to need until baby was born, then cleaned and did yard work. Just watch how much activity you do in one day (other than your job) you dont want to go into pre term labor. Take some time for you and your significant other (go for dinner and movie or stay in) because your not going to have a chance for a while. Hope those were some helpful ideas. With this one Im working on making blankets, having to make cradle sheets (its hard to find any, and that arent expensive), hats, and other things. Just gotta try to keep your mind busy on other things.

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Answered by danni179 - May. 9, 2012 12:07pm
Getting to 12 weeks felt like an eternity... then getting to the gender scan dragged, but from 20-30 weeks has FLOWN by to the point I am panicking at how little I have prepared...but i'm sure these last 10 weeks are gonna drag like hell !
Luckily I work from home so I don't have to think about maternity leave timing, but going to work should hopefully occupy you for the time being and make things seem a little less stagnant. I'm planning on enjoying this time to get some sleep and "me" time....because as much as I want my baby to be here, i know i will miss these easy care free days of waddling around and taking this slow. Good Luck!

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Answered by Steph35 - May. 9, 2012 12:05pm
It seems really slow to me too and I'm 26 weeks. It's like a sort of limbo. I do have my first baby shower next week (I'm a teacher and we're about to get out for summer so my work is throwing a shower for me) so I'm looking forward to that. Maybe that will help jump-start some more excitement for me:-)

I don't really have any advice, but I wanted to let you know you aren't alone:-)

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Answered by Peanut101 - May. 9, 2012 11:32am
I am 33 weeks and I'm sorry to say that for me it seems like time is going slower..!
If I look back it seems to have flown by.. but in the moment it seems slow..

I think after 20 weeks and as your baby becomes more.. well.. baby.. the excitement grows and so slows down time.

I am only going on leave at 37 weeks. - so I can stay with baby longer afterwards.

I'm getting really tired and sore though and just trying to take everyday as it comes (already obsessing too much!! :) ) and hope I can hold out until then!

Good luck!

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