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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by babydoll9282

Q: 8 weeks along or not pregnant at all? PLEASE HELP!

My dr told me that ovulation my have occurred between the 18th-20th of July. Then around the 22nd (3dpo) I got horrible heartburn that lasted until 8dpo then sore nipples from then till 21dpo.
AF was due on either the 31st of July or the 2nd of August. It was a week late and started out with brown blood then progressed to a heavier flow that lasted my normal period so I didn't test. It went to a 5th day and the nipple tenderness went away. I had an Ultrasound around this time but my dr didn't tell me anything yet. Thus far my belly has been getting larger and is hard above the pubic bone. Before when I would wake up it would be down now it stays "swollen?" when I wake up and gets bigger throughout the day. I am 5 feet tall and weigh about 95lbs and I heard smaller thinner women show a "bump" sooner. Mine looks and feels like a bump. Now my nipples themselves have gotten darker and the Areola are starting to darken somewhat and always seem h

This question was asked Aug. 29, 2011 1:50am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by onemor83 - Aug. 29, 2011 12:22pm
You can't go on symptoms alone.The body is a mystery & it does weird things that we don't always understand.My periods always made me bloat & have sore breasts & so when I got pregnant I was confused because I had the same symptoms as I would with a period. So go get a test & if it's negative but your period doesn't show then go to your Doctor.

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Answered by airiesing - Aug. 29, 2011 2:19am
sounds like you could be, try a test! Good luck!

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