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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: Pregnant after taking progesterone?

How many of you girls stayed pregnant with the help of progesterone?

This question was asked Sep. 3, 2011 7:36pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Dec11baby - Sep. 8, 2011 9:00pm
I had a missed m/c last November (they think b/c of low progesterone levels) and was having issues with having a regular period following the procedure. Sometimes I was like 40+days between cycles. In March, they told me to take progesterone starting on my 18th cycle day and continue until I started my next period. Well, I never did and by mid-April I had a positive pregnancy test. They called me in some refills and I continued taking it daily until week 13 or 14 I believe. Then I was told to stop taking it b/c after that time, the placenta takes over & I no longer need it...so I stopped. All has been great and i am currently 26 weeks pregnant. It can & does help for many women and it did for me. Wishing you the best of luck! :)

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Answered by a member - Sep. 6, 2011 3:22am
Fingers crossed for you!GL

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Answered by coachpowell38 - Sep. 4, 2011 6:25pm
I started taking it as soon as I had a positive bloodtest. I have been taking it a few days now. I feel good. Hopeing it helps this little stay in there.....:).......... I am 4 weeeks and 3 days!

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