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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by a member

Q: 12 week scan today!

My 12 week scan is today and I'm more nervous & scared than excited...I still have all my symptoms but I can't for the life of me find a "bump", my last scan was at 9.5 weeks & I saw the heartbeat for the 3rd time but I also had a mmc in a previous pregnancy at 10 weeks so I'm still scared. Not to mention, this is the 1st time I've done any genetic testing w/ a pregnancy (the blood test that goes w/ the 1st scan) & I'm scared witless about that!!

I guess no question here, just needing backup. thanks!

This question was asked May. 30, 2012 11:30am
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by a member - May. 30, 2012 5:36pm
It was perfect!!!! Whee!!!!

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Answered by a member - May. 30, 2012 3:06pm
12 weeks is kinda early for a bump. im sure you and baby are fine. i know its easy to worry but try not to its not good for baby or you

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Answered by nwelch - May. 30, 2012 11:48am
Best of luck. I had my scan last week and everything went great. Felt so much better when I saw my baby's heartbeat and saw him/her moving. Don't worry just enjoy it. :) Good luck.

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