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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by DanielleS

Q: Baby's Gender a Secret??

It seems like everyone finds out the gender of their babies now! We did with our first, but now with our second we would like to try the other way! Is anyone else keeping it a secret! All you ladies finding out are making it really hard for me to not find out!! LOL!
My 20 week scan is tomorrow!

This question was asked Jun. 18, 2012 4:14pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by zareen - Jun. 22, 2012 8:30pm
Hey there...
If you're not finding out if it's a girl or boy, there's a baby registry designed just for you. It's called notfindingout.com. You can register for the items you want, you just don't know whether you'll receive the girl or boy version. Once your baby is born, the gender-specific gifts are shipped to you right away so you are equipped with gender-specific clothes. It's fun to have some gender neutral and some gender-specific good when you're not finding out so this registry let's you do both! For baby showers, anyone who buys you a NFO gift will bring a wrapped Preview Card that shows the item purchased for you in both the girl and boy version so that you can see what they bought you but not have the surprised ruin. No one finds out what the baby is until it's born. VERY FUN!

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Answered by asabrina - Jun. 21, 2012 5:10pm
I am having my baby in 2 weeks and we are keeping it a secret. I only had 1 opportunity to find out the gender @ the 3d ultrasound but since that was @ 29 weeks already I felt like i had waited that long already, what is 10 more weeks? Its tough sometimes when I get the urge to baby shop, but there will be plenty of time for that once baby is born!! We just recently bought 2 carseats with the option of returning the one that doesnt suit :) and have purchased a going home outfit either way! This is the last huge surprise of my life, i know when baby is coming bcs of a repeat csection so I am treasuring it! Good luck with whichever way you choose!

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Answered by maggie22 - Jun. 19, 2012 4:57am
Secrets are much more fun!! We are keeping a suprise for our first :) hard for me but much more exciting for the whole family. Gives me something to work towards when im in labour too.

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Answered by looney - Jun. 19, 2012 12:17am
Awesome Toni! Danielle, what cracks me up, is I look forward to that big "it's a boy/girl!!" when the baby pops out, but my neighbor said when her "surprise" baby was born, and they said "Its a boy!!!!" She was like "uhh, okay... great" and she was so out of it from the birth and the pain that she just didn't care either way! So, that makes me laugh to think I'm putting this whole "surprise birth" on a pedestal and in the end I might just be like...oh ok that's nice. haha

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Answered by T0niMari3 - Jun. 18, 2012 10:01pm
Dp couldn't attend our gender scan at 19 wks, so I asked them to write it down and place it in an envelope. I am now 33 weeks and the envelope is still unopened!

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Answered by nwelch - Jun. 18, 2012 9:57pm
We didn't find out with our first child and again are not finding out with this pregancy. As tempting as it is, we want to wait. It's so exciting when the doctor says it's a boy/girl. When everyone knows what you are having its no fun to tell them when it's actually here. My husbands cousin was told she was having a girl and had the nursery all set up for the baby, name picked out, clothes bought. Surprise it ended up being boy. So I don't want to take that chance. :) Best of luck.

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Answered by DanielleS - Jun. 18, 2012 8:20pm
So far, I've been offered numerous time to find out! I also have an ultrasound at every visit to take a quick peek. So far I have held out! I found out with my first so I have a million girl things!! So if its another girl, we're set anyways. As for a boy, we'll just have to go on a shopping spree! We aren't finding out! And I know I'll stick to that! I can't wait for that moment of "ITS A BOY/GIRL"! I think its going to be so exciting!! I'll cry like a baby I know!!

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Answered by Queenmommy53 - Jun. 18, 2012 7:27pm
We wanted to keep Bailey's sex a surprise until at 26 weeks the U/S tech slipped up and revealed the gender. I couldn't be angry, this time around, not sure if or if not I wanna keep the gender a surprise or not. Let's see what I think when it's time to know.

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Answered by looney - Jun. 18, 2012 7:15pm
Oh, and as far as preperation, I already bought EVERYTHING I need for the baby up until 6 months or so. Including clothes! Seriously, I went for: browns, beiges, whites, creams, blacks, reds and forest greens for clothes. Same with accesories. Honesly, I think those are all mature classy colors regardless of sex, and even if I knew I would be avoiding the typical pink/blue fashion statements. I think that, knowing I have it all covered, regardless of gender, has been what has made it SO easy for us NOT to find out ;) thats my advice! Don't worry about baby gear, it doesnt need to be gender specific!

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Answered by looney - Jun. 18, 2012 7:13pm
We aren't finding out. And I'm not having any trouble with it! I am proud we aren't succuming to tempation, and that we have the strong will and perserverance to just wait. Okay, now I'm just blowing smoke... lol, it really hasn't been that hard. My doctor has offered to tell me at routine visits, she gives me U/S at each visit just to take a quick peek. They offered to tell me at the N/T scan too, and we said no. My 20 week scan is next Monday and I'm happy as a clam to tell them they'd better not slip up and let me find out, or i'll be pissed. haha!

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