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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by AngeAnge

Q: 12WEEKS spotting and cramps.

Hi mommies.
I spent a day spotting (maroonish discharge) and really painful cramps by the night time from my pelvic area to my back and down my legs. SO rushed me to the ER to be checked for threated miscarriage but the Dr checked me internally and saw no signs of a miscarriage. By the time i got to theDr though my pain was just reduced to a dull pain in the pelvicarea.I am having an ultrasound today to see the baby.
Have any of you ever experienced anything like this and all was well?
Please I just want to hear the positive stories.

This question was asked Jul. 20, 2012 12:22pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by mrsmommyl - Jul. 24, 2012 8:00am
It's a few days too late to give any advice - which I don't have much of at this point, but I hope your ultrasound went well. :)

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