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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by Baby_Harris

Q: Breastfeeding and School

I only get a month off from school when the baby is born and I want to exclusively breastfeed for hopefully the first 6 months. I'm going to be away to class Monday thru Friday for 5 1/2-6 hours. I was wondering what techniques you ladies used to make sure you had enough breast milk for your baby while you were away. Only thing I can think of is waiting for my milk to come in and then start pumping in between feedings during the day and then taking a break from pumping at night. So if my baby eats every 2 hours, then the hour between I will pump. Anybody got a better idea?

This question was asked Aug. 5, 2012 1:19pm
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by Baby_Harris - Aug. 6, 2012 10:20pm
Thank you. That website is amazing.

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Aug. 5, 2012 2:27pm
The only way your supply will come in strong is if you start breast feeding from the beginning. When baby is finished eating, pump after that and build up stored supply. I posted a link down below with the storing guidelines. Hope I helped out a little.


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