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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Teenmommy22

Q: How common is a miscarriage at 11 weeks pregnant ?

We have already seen and heard a strong heartbeat at 8 weeks pregnant of 169 bpm but I am still worried. All of my pregnancy symptoms seem to be gettting worse and I have had more mood swings then I thought possible and that is not helping my anxiety lol. So just wondering how likely it is I will miscarry at this stage in my pregnancy?

This question was asked Oct. 15, 2011 1:21pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by MustangHotty09 - Oct. 18, 2011 12:49am
I am in the same boat as you! I am 11 weeks 3 days but suppose to be 14 weeks 3 days. I went for an ultrasound at 9 weeks, the heart beat was 175 an we saw it too, even saw the baby move.

Yet ive lost 3 babies, 2 of which were miscarriages. So I havent had a sucessful birth yet.

I am very scared to loose this one, and scared ill go to the dr and wont hear a heart beat on the doppler.

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Answered by Amarylis - Oct. 15, 2011 3:38pm
you saw the heartbeat so the chances od miscarriage are now low.
I have really bad morning sickness and it is not going away. I ended up on some pills for it and I am almost out and I can still feel really sick on them. Everything is fine with baby though and I am 14 weeks along.
Hope everything keeps going good for you.

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Answered by Samm0704 - Oct. 15, 2011 1:56pm
After you hear the heartbeat the risk goes down a lot. There is still a chance, but your hormones are going crazy then I wouldn't worry. If all your symptoms just disappear then i would worry. The symptoms can get better.. As long as your not bleeding I think you should be fine. Talk to your doctor if you are really worried. best of luck

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