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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by NikkiWhite

Q: *Placeta...??

'Yesterday at my gender ultrasound i was told my placenta is pretty thinn,, Wat does this mean.? Is it a bad thing.? How many of yall ladys have had this and everything turn out just fine.?

This question was asked Sep. 6, 2012 6:26pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by a member - Sep. 7, 2012 4:52am
Yes, did they also say your water was a little low too? That's what happened to me with my dd 3 years ago. They said I had a "bad placenta". So I was put on "light" bed rest around 27 weeks and they kept an eye on it. I had to do NST and u/s every week during the last couple months. It never became a problem and I made it all the way to 39 weeks and had a very healthy little girl!

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