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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by mrykayser

Q: Painful Braxton-Hicks ???

So past few days I've been having irregular painful contractions. I have never had these before , not even with my son. just wanted to know if this is normal in the 3rd trimester and is anyone else experiencing these. The pain is more like period cramps and my stomach tightens. They last 30 -45 seconds each. Im 29weeks+1

This question was asked Sep. 15, 2012 9:44pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by mandylee13 - Sep. 16, 2012 12:15am
Hi im 19 weeks today and been having braxton hicks for a couple of weeks (this is my 5th pregnancy so completely normal and fine) however the last week or so i have had very irregular painful ones and i mean painful LOL Spoke to doctor about them and he said if I notice any regularity or patttern to go straight in. He said even if the pattern is 1 every hour but im getting them every hour for 5 hours that is enough of a pattern to need to be checked. Thankfully at the moment im just having them completely randomly lol Obviously its waay too early for my bub to want out. I would just mention it at your next appointment, so long as they are not regular I dont think you need to go straight in but please remember im not a doctor and you know your body bettter than anyone so if it gets regular or just doesnt feel right i would get checked just to be safe. Goodluck xx

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