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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by Mayess21

Q: what are the symptom of pregnancy

how do you know when you pregnant or not

This question was asked Sep. 17, 2012 7:24pm
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by a member - Sep. 18, 2012 3:30pm
the only way of finding out if your pregnant is doing a test, symptoms can happen because of pregnancy or a number of other reasons.

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Answered by monroezelda - Sep. 18, 2012 10:36am
I think sometimes when people have been trying for awhile or just really really want a baby, every little thing they go through becomes a pregnancy symptom which I totally understand, ya get a stuffy nose ya think ya pregnant ya feel a bit bloated ya must be pregnant etc all my pregnanies have been different, with this one I started to get a idea because I was very sick, could not stand to even look at a slice of ham then I was late for period, but the only sure fire way is to take a test and have a dr confirm it.

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Answered by ef99744 - Sep. 18, 2012 8:09am
You have to take a test or see a dr sweetie xx

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Answered by a member - Sep. 17, 2012 9:39pm
this sounds weird, but my first symptom was that I was ridiculously thirsty ALL THE TIME. We're talking drinking glass after glass of water and STILL being thirsty.

everyone has different symptoms, though, so the easiest way to know is taking a test (though if you have not yet missed your period, or it has been less than 4 weeks since your last one started, you likely won't get a positive test since it's a little early to check)

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Answered by gemma1991 - Sep. 17, 2012 8:27pm
with my 1st
i didnt get any syptoms till i was 4 days late of my period and i was getting bad back bloating and metalicy taste in my mouth

with the second pregnancy i knew 2 weeks befor cause i craved prawns witch i hated i bloated i had a faint possitive test 4 days befor period then 4 days after my period was due my back hurt again and i had the metalicy taste again

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Answered by a member - Sep. 17, 2012 7:55pm
sore breasts, tiredness, vivid dreams and a positive test. are you young ? if you cant buy a pregnancy test on your own, you can go into the doctors office, hospital or clinic and have a test done.

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Answered by a member - Sep. 17, 2012 7:47pm
My first symptom has always been sore breasts & nipples. I always get extremely fatigued & of course the missed period. Sometimes women have implantation bleeding. I had that only once out of three. Those were my "very early" pregnancy symptoms that had me wondering maybe I am?!

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