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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: Pre-eclampsia

Hi just wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with preeclampsia but had normal blood pressure? My doctor is running more test as I have quite a few of the symptoms and blood tests showed protein in my blood so he is thinking preeclampsia, I have to have more blood and urine taken in 5 days. Im confused as i though you had to have really high blood pressure for this to be the problem and as i said my BP is fine at this point. Also im just shy of 20 weeks. Thanks

This question was asked Sep. 19, 2012 12:03pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by a member - Sep. 19, 2012 12:52pm
A good friend of mine had extremely high amounts of protein in her urine, she also had gestational diabetes, and normal blood pressure. By the time she hit 37 weeks she had so much protein in her urine that her doctor decided to induce her to avoid any more complications or elevated blood pressure. He was basically sure she was going to become pre-eclamptic, it was just a matter of time at that point.

Good luck! I hope you aren't since you are still pretty early in your pregnancy!

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