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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by LyssaBugg

Q: When should I tell my NEW boss I'm pregnant?

I'm a gymnastics coach, newly hire at a gym (but I've coached a lot). It's a very physical job. I was brought in to replace another coach who is 5 months pregnant. She is not supposed to be spotting gymnasts anymore (our boss told her not to). She isn't being let go, and can remain to coach until she gives birth, as long as she doesn't spot. Then she can come back when ever she's ready.

I wouldn't tell her until my first trimester is over- but I feel like I should tell her sooner because I was brought in to replace someone who was pregnant, and I was JUST hired. This is only my second week working there.


My doctor also wants me to take it easy until I'm 8 weeks since she considers me at a high risk for miscarriage until she hears a heart beat. I'm just trying to process a lot right now. I don't want to take it easy, and I don't want to lose or leave my job- I just feel like I let my boss down.

This question was asked Oct. 23, 2012 4:10pm
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by a member - Dec. 29, 2012 10:01am
If you are at high risk for miscarriage, you should take your doctors advice since it's not worth risking a loss. Your first priority should be your health and your baby's health. Best of luck

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Answered by purplemusik - Oct. 23, 2012 6:38pm
I agree with the previous noter. I lost my last one in April as well and I'm a nervous wreck and only telling a select few until I know everything is ok. Good Luck!

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Answered by LalaRiley - Oct. 23, 2012 4:23pm
Personally, I had a miscarriage in April so when I got pregnant this time I was totally freaked out. I carried tampons in my purse for over a month because I knew when I miscarried I would need them. I wasn't going to tell anyone that didn't immediately need to know because I didn't want to have to explain why I wasn't pregnant any longer. Once I finally got my ultrasound, I started to feel a million times more comfortable and was okay telling more people, including my boss. I guess what I am saying is that you should wait. It would make your job easier to wait and only tell your employer when you know for sure everything is going to be okay. That doesn't exactly mean waiting until the end of the first trimester. I'm now 11w2d and just recently told people because I got the ultrasound. Until you have that reassurance, which in your case might just be the heartbeat, just tell your boss your feeling a little sick and want to go a little slow. Good luck.

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