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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by seneka

Q: Morning sickness all day

Okay so I asked a similar question before, I am now 12 weeks pregnant and my sickness is only getting worse! for example today alone i have thrown up 4 times and feel as though i am about to run back to pray to the porcelaine god. I need feedback my pills the doc perscribed is not working help!!!!

This question was asked Oct. 30, 2011 6:59pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by onemor83 - Nov. 4, 2011 3:32pm
My friend is going throught the same thing..there isnt a day that goes by where she doesnt puke...she has been to the hospital for dehydration about 4 times...yesterday I suggested that maybe she just get a permanent IV put in as a joke since the pills werent helping....she called me a few hrs later & told me I was physic because they were putting an IV in for fluid & meds..they'll either put it in her upper thigh or lower abdomen..I'll be back to update whether or not it helps her.

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Answered by a guest - Nov. 2, 2011 12:01am
I am sorry you are going through that. i went through it with my first pregnancy and it was awful. I had to go to the ER twice to get hydrated. Anyhow, here is what helped me - Zofran tablets prescribed by my Doctor (the ones that disinegrate), also taking prenatals at night after dinner instead of in the morning, sucking on Prego Pops (you can get them at any martermity store), sucking on lifesavers green breath mints, and eating (if you are eating) very bland food like saltines, applesauce, plain yogurt, ect. Sprite or gingerale will help too. Sometimes, its just the nature of the beast and all you can do is try to help it. My sickness ended at about 4 months. I hope yours ends soon. Hang in there Hon. I promise its all worth it! (clearly since I am pregnant again and going through the same thing again, but not as bad)

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Answered by krittarae - Oct. 31, 2011 8:47pm
I am in my 12th week and feeling worse as well! My doc prescribed orally disintegrating tablets of zolfran, and let me tell you....they help AMAZINGLY quickly. There is a risk of headache after a couple of hours, and you have to make sure to drink plenty of water because it can also be constipating, but it's easier to function if you don't have to run to the bathroom every 2 seconds. Mint candy or gum helps me too, and a nurse once told me that if you have an alcohol swab or and just take 1 whiff, that will help as well.

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Answered by seneka - Oct. 30, 2011 10:17pm
I am currently taking declectin. it doesn't work at all for me.

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Answered by Samm0704 - Oct. 30, 2011 9:50pm
Try zofran. I got sick all the time... I take it now and it works wonders. Im 11 weeks and it's not as bad anymore..

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Answered by Neekie - Oct. 30, 2011 8:50pm

I was really sick all the time up until 17 weeks! And then realised that the pills i was on actually made it worse, i didn't realise but the ones i had can cause vomiting in some people. Fancy that huh.

So maybe go back to the doctors and they will be able to try something else! :D

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Answered by Ellana - Oct. 30, 2011 7:25pm
I am sorry to hear that. I am 11 weeks and I have been struggling with morning/day/evening sickness as well. I do manage not to throw up most of the time but nausea is pretty much my constant companion which I can't take anymore. I have mint candy with me at all times, it kind of helps. I also will chew on a slice of lemon which is also a short term help. I wish I could be more help; however I will be asking for some pills my doctor as well. May I ask, what pills were you prescribed that isn't working for you?
I hope you feel better soon!

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