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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by allioak

Q: Anybody else feel overwhelmed by the weight gain process?

I want to gain the 25-35 lb for my baby and a healthy pregnancy. But gaining 25-35 lb seems so daunting! I've gained about 5 lbs so far, and it's kind of scary gaining weight so quickly. I've always had to pay attention to my weight with the hypothyroid and PCOS, so I've spent years making sure I excersize and eat okay so that I don't gain extra weight. It just all feels so strange to me now! Does this feel normal at any point?

This question was asked Nov. 1, 2011 1:50pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by octivia - Nov. 1, 2011 3:31pm
I feel the same way. When I got pregnant I was 113 pounds and now only 18 weeks later I'm 129. My weight gain has been very uneven. In the first 8 weeks I gained 7 pounds . I have been 129 pounds before and its a weight that I feel very uncomfortable and unattractive at so it has been hard for me to watch the scale go up, especially if I happen to jump two pounds in 4 days! lol

The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that I do eat healthy ( including treats!) so whatever weight I am gaining isnt weight from junk but from good food.

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Answered by onemor83 - Nov. 1, 2011 11:59pm
I'm only 24wks & already I've gained 23 pds...its pretty normal for me..my last 2 pregnancies I gained up to 40 pds & was able to lose it with exersise & eating good...don't worry unless your doctor sees an issue with it.

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Answered by TangleBirdie - Nov. 1, 2011 11:49pm
I hate hate hate being forced to get on the scales at every appointment. Its depressing, im fat enough before i got pregnant and now putting more weight on just upsets me, im so worried that when i stop being pregnant ill never loose it. Im really worried...

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Answered by KatieK - Nov. 1, 2011 2:15pm
Not sure that I would say it feels "normal" at any point...but "inevitable" is a good way to put it. No worries, if you are committed to loosing it, you will.

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Answered by MontyMoe - Nov. 2, 2011 4:14am
I feel so overwhelmed with my weight gain! I am 30 weeks 3 days, and I have gained 28 pounds. Doc told me she didnt want me to go over 35 pounds. I have a feeling I am going to exceed that. Its really beginning to get to me. I feel like such a whale! I just keep trying to remind myself that I will be able to lose it all once baby comes.

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Answered by autumn7 - Nov. 4, 2011 5:37am
I worry about it constantly as well! I worked very hard to loose 26 pounds about 1.5 years before I got pregnant and now I have to gain that and more back!
I try to eat healty as I know its important for the pregnancy, but I am on the scale everyday already to check that I'm not gaining too much...and I'm only on 5 wks 5 days! Don't know how I am going to make it to 40 without loosing my mind

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