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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Peanut101

Q: 6 weeks 3 days.. HUNGRY

This is too soon.. isn't it?

I am hungry (and snacking) all the time.. if I dont, I'm nauseous..
I am trying to keep the snacks healthy but prefer refined crackers such as salticracks etc - otherwise they make me nauseous... again!

I'm a short person.. and about 5 kg overweight. (pre-pregnancy)
I know I shouldn't worry too much about weight but I don't want to put on too much too soon - for both my sake and the baby's
getting nauseous again as i'm typing!..

Need. A. (nother). Cracker...

Also.. - My nausea seems to be worse every second day.. any guesses on this..??

This question was asked Nov. 9, 2011 8:58am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by onemor83 - Nov. 9, 2011 1:34pm
It's normal,try not to worry so much. Every pregnancy each different. I started getting hunger pains around the same time as you & I kept crackers with me constantly & the nausea is what it is, nothing seems to really make it better, you just have to tough it out. Rest & get those calories in for the baby. I'm 25 wks & 3 days & I've already put on 23 pds. I normally put on about 40 with my pregnancies, I wouldn't worry too much unless your doctor is concerned.

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Answered by GypsyTasya - Nov. 9, 2011 2:00pm
Whether it's normal not - I'm told it is. As to it being too soon - I started having "the hunger" a few days before I got a BFP. It's let-up a little bit last week but now this week (week 6) it's back. My BFF advised me to eat small snacks throughout the day, like every 2 hours, in addition to eating good meals. That helps me alot. She said the same thing happened to her with her first child and she gained MAD weight. Her second, she followed the advice she is now giving me, and she gained a reasonable amount but not like she did with her first.

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Answered by KMay23 - Nov. 11, 2011 6:56pm
That is totally normal. I had the same exact thing starting at about 4 weeks and I still have it at 9 weeks right now. I felt nauseated unless I was physically eating and then when the food would settle, I would feel nauseated and have to eat again! I also needed crackers or carbs - that was the only thing that would settle my tummy. My OB said that we do what we have to in order to get through the first trimester. She said we will start worrying about diet and excercise when I get to the second trimester and I am feeling better - ahhh music to my ears! Do what you can Hon so that you can feel good.

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Answered by MrsKing13 - Dec. 13, 2011 4:15pm
I was having the same concern the other day! I am 5 weeks, 2 days now and it seems that I am always snacking. If I go a long period of time without food in my belly, I get nauseous very easily. I have also already gained about 5 pounds and that was alarming to me. I, too, am not so concerned about the weight gain (as I know it is needed), but I am concerned that I stay healthy so as to not develop high blood pressure or diabetes...etc. I want to say pre-pregnancy, I was about 2-5 pounds over the weight I would have normally stayed at...and since I got pregant, I gained another 5 pounds! I am maintaining a workout system now-every morning I either do the elliptical, yoga, or weight training. I thinj this has helped me with the nausea too. Hope this helps somewhat!?

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