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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by Brittany0915

Q: dental work while pregnant

im 32 weeks and im having issues with a wisdom tooth. its suddenly extreamly sore and my gums all around it are really red and it looks infected. has anyone had a wisdom tooth removed while pregnant? it is safe? or will i have to wait until after the babys born ?

This question was asked Nov. 25, 2012 7:58pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Nov. 26, 2012 1:07am
thanks everyone, and gemgem, i will definitely try the salt water rinse! im willing to try anything at this point! thanks so much!

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Answered by GemGem - Nov. 25, 2012 11:04pm
When pregnant your hormones tend to make your gums bleed more So make sure you brush 2 twice a day and floss!

With your wisdom tooth im not sure about having it out. I just remember when i had pericoronitis (inflammation of the partly erupted wisdom tooth) I was "told" to rinse out with salty water a few times day and make sure I was brushing the area properly.

Bit boring I know. Hope ive helped.

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Nov. 25, 2012 8:53pm
alright thanks! i think ill call the dentist office in the morning and see what they think.

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Answered by momtobe1992 - Nov. 25, 2012 9:51pm
I don't have problems with my wisdom tooth but I'm getting my teeth cleaned. I'm 33 weeks pregnant. My gums are swollen too and every tooth they clean hurts. :(. I'm guessing pregnancy makes our gums more sensitive.

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Answered by janastep73 - Nov. 26, 2012 12:14am
I had a possible cavity when I was 8 weeks...my dentist told me that they would wait until my next check up and re-assess and if necessary to get it filled, they would have to talk to my OB to make sure it was ok. I think they said dental work is safe (not sure if a wisdom tooth would fall under this as well) but they try to avoid in the first trimester.

I would call your dentist and OB once you find out your dentist's preferred course of action and see what they say. Good luck!!

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Answered by Razzle_ - Nov. 25, 2012 8:19pm
Similar to you I have found my gums red and sore during pregnancy. Last week I went for a check up and needed a filling which was fine. I am 30 weeks and could have the anesthetic etc with no issues so that aspect is safe.
Well worth going for a check up and asking...toothache is vile!

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Answered by GemGem - Nov. 25, 2012 11:06pm
(Im a dental nurse of 8 years)

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Nov. 25, 2012 9:56pm
yea i agree! mine bleed alot while brushing. I was actually supposed to get my wisdom teeth out about a year ago,, before they even grew in, but i didnt feel it was necessary, especially for the cost. well now i see that i should have had it done! would have saved me the pain of dealing with it now. the only thing im worried about is the pain killers that are usually prescribed afterwards. chances are i wont be able to take them.

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Answered by Noelle8905 - Nov. 26, 2012 1:43pm
I had my wisdom tooth removed when I was 23 weeks pregnant! I didn't feel a thing while it was removed, and besides feeling like I had chipmunk cheeks afterwards I was perfectly fine! I had no pain afterwards either. Which shocked me cuz I'm a wimp when it comes to pain!! Good luck!

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