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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by autumn7

Q: Eating plan

Have any of you followed a specific eating plan while pregnant?
I want to eat healthy in order for the baby to grow, but I don't know what to eat and how much!
Any help would be great

This question was asked Nov. 9, 2011 1:13pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by a member - Nov. 9, 2011 6:08pm
You need to get requirements from your doc but generally you would take in enough calories to MAINTIAN your weight plus 300 calories extra for the baby per day. try mypyramid.gov they have some info about exact food groups and amounts needed.

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Answered by allioak - Nov. 9, 2011 11:03pm
I used Livestrong.com to gage how many calories and how my food intake was. I input my typical food that I eat in one day, my current weight, and the goal to gain 1 lb per week. This way I could figure out how many calories I eat and how many I should be eating. I was low about 300 calories. In addition, it breaks down your food and tells you how much fiber, sugar, fat, cholesterol, sodium and protein. I was doing well on all categories besides two. I was actually doing above and beyond in fiber (125% of my daily value, due to all the fruit I eat), but only 50% of my fat intake. So I've decided it is okay to eat a few more nuts/cheeses to get the fat up. I've had trouble eating meats and fish due to food aversions, but found out I was actually getting enough protein from eggs, cottage cheese, and nuts. It was very interesting to gage where I was at!

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Answered by autumn7 - Nov. 10, 2011 5:48am
Thanks! Ill definately look at both sites

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