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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by sammilynn

Q: If you have used heparin or lovanox during pregnancy

If you have used heparin or lovanox during pregnancy what are some tips you may have to help keep the swelling and bruising down. Also what gage needle have you found to be the best. My pharmacy gave me 4 different ones to try, but I'm curious what one you liked or used.

This question was asked Nov. 28, 2012 9:44pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by nurse_jenn07 - Nov. 29, 2012 2:54pm
I use fragmin which is a different blood thinner and I rotate the injection site from side to side and since it is given in the abdomen there is lots of room so I don't hit the same spot for some time this shud help prevent bruising. Also you have to be careful not to run into things or fall. As for needle size I am not sure what mine are cause they come preloaded. I would guess the smallest needle would be the best but I don't know what sizes you were given.

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