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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by stacca

Q: PPROM in last pregnancy!

Hi i am 9 weeks 6 days pregnant with my 3rd baby (although i had 5 previous m/c). With my first baby it was a textbook pregnancy no problems and when he was 4 months old i found i was expecting again. I bled a little every week for the first few weeks and then at 26 weeks i woke early hours to belly ache and thought i had wet myself. Turns out my waters had broken and i was immediatley hospitalised and given steroids for the babys lungs. Transferred to addenbrookes as they had facilities for 26 weekers. Went home after 8 days as nothing was happening. Had to attend hospital appointments 3 times a week to keep an eye on things. Ended up being induced at 35 weeks after my infection levels started creeoing up. My consultant said they would be keeping a close eye on me this time cos of my last pregnancy. What are the chances of it happening again? Does anybody know? Quite worried as i had my 3rd lletz to remove precancerous cells a few months ago making my cervix weaker surely?

This question was asked Dec. 4, 2012 4:36pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Giddypingu - Jan. 2, 2013 2:27pm
I've recently had lletz and I was told a closer eye would be kept on me and if needed they could put a stitch in the cervix to ensure it holds. So there are means around it. Good luck!

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