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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by OurMiracle

Q: Can US tech be correct??

At 14weeks 2days my husband and I went to see the high risk doctor. The tech that did our ultrasound said she was almost certain we are having a girl. How accurate can she be at 14weeks? She told us they look for three white lines. I couldnt see them but I do have my ultrasound pictures on my page. Can anyone shed some light? Anyone told its a girl and baby turns out to be a boy later??

This question was asked Dec. 8, 2012 2:29am
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by Kynlees_Mommy - Dec. 11, 2012 5:37am
I found out my daughter was a girl at 14 weeks.. They said they were about 80% sure it was a girl and she is now 3 and ALL girl! They are probably correct! I will find out the sex of this baby at 13 weeks!! They said with their ultrasound machines being so up to date they would be 100% accurate! :) I would wait until closer to 20 weeks to be sure but it is probably accurate!

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Answered by a member - Dec. 8, 2012 3:08am
I have had a friend that happen to. They told her at 12weeks she was having a girl and when she gave birth to her surprise it was a baby boy that they names steven.. I hope she is right.. I would go back at 16weeks to take an other look ti be on the safe side..

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Answered by OurMiracle - Dec. 11, 2012 6:28pm
Thank you ladies! I have my last ultrasound dec 17 at 16 weeks. They been doing my anatomy scan since 11wks pregnant so if they get everything they need at 16wk scan i wont have a 20wk scan. I hope they do twenty week scan. My son had so many problems and couldnt survive out of womb so they are being super cautious with this baby. Im so.worried for tech to be wrong and i buy white furniture for a girl and have a boy... If its a boy i want expresso color furniture. Its.my first and last earth baby so i want everything perfect... Just scared ill be told girl and out pops a boy. Though id love a boy too!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Dec. 8, 2012 5:00pm
Others seem to find out this early (some correctly, others incorrectly). I personally would have trouble being confident with the findings until a bit later and until they had a full out between the legs view. We didn't find out until 21weeks4days and baby did a full moon position! Legs were wide apart, bent up and we had a full, lengthy view of the babies bum (I swear she was mooning us). Both the ultrasound tech and later the doc that came in to do a review clearly saw that it was a girl. Both did reminded us that until baby comes out there is never a 100% guarentee but from what they did (and didn't see), and it being after 21 weeks they were pretty sure.

If you only had the side view your ultrasounds show, and it was only 14 weeks I'd be hesitant to run out and buy pink stuff until the next scan!!

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Answered by thirdtimemamma - Dec. 8, 2012 4:44am
I found out i was having boys at 15 weeks both times.. They say you can determine gender at 12 weeks.. If they didn't tell you a def girl , I would hold of on buying pink :) Ill go look at ur ultrasound!

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Answered by maggie22 - Dec. 8, 2012 5:00am
why dont u just wait until your 20 week scan...

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Answered by LalaRiley - Dec. 8, 2012 3:13am
Some times they can tell pretty early, but other times it isn't fully developed. You are pretty close to the cut off of 16-20 weeks where they usually tell for sure, so it is very possible. Just make sure in future ultrasounds. If you are high risk, you will probably get one every month.

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Answered by looney - Dec. 8, 2012 7:08am
None of the utrasounds on your page are "crotch shots" they are all side profiles. usually, when telling gender, they look between the thighs.

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