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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: Am I crazy?

My hubby thinks im crazy or dramatic, but i really feel like my baby hasnt been growing. im 35 weeks and i dont feel any different then i did at 30 weeks. this is my 4th baby, so i know what the end of a pregnancy is like and i just dont feel it. i went to the hospital over the weekend because my babys movements are much weaker then they used to be and thankfully his heart rate was great. today i go to my regular prenatal visit and im terrified she will say babys now growing and i need to be induced. has this happened to anyone?

This question was asked Dec. 11, 2012 12:51pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by monroezelda - Dec. 11, 2012 5:13pm
this is my 4th and I just feel a bit odd, at 24 weeks I measured 28 at 28 I measured 30 an at 31 I measure 31, which I know is spot on but midwife gave the impression that she was a bit concerned that the growth has slowed , she didn't say so in many words, but she asked if movements had decreased, I said no actually they have gone more, she asked of I had lost any fluid, I said I don't know if I lose fluid or just maybe pee myself a bit when I cough :) my belly is small compared to the way I was with the other 4, if I wear a coat no one knows I am pregnant :/ saying that though the weights of my babies has got less with each pregnancy. I get checked again in 2 weeks if I measure still at 31 I will get scanned if I measure at 32 plus then they will just leave me be.

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