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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by OurMiracle

Q: Can an appendectomy cause early labor?

At 16 weeks pregnant i went to er was diagnosed with appendicitis and a hernia. I had surgery and im now on bedrest til further instruction. Has anyone had an appendectomy before i was told its common and can lead to early labor. I was wondering if anyone has had one and went into early labor? Also i had a d&c this year in may at 20 1/2weeks pregnant due to lossing my son which i heard also increases risk of early birth. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Trying to figure out my maternity leave start date and not sure what to do.

This question was asked Dec. 20, 2012 5:12am
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by firecracker11 - Dec. 20, 2012 12:54pm
My friend didnt have her appedix out, but she did get her gallbladder removed when she was pregnant, and she didnt have the baby early, she actually had to be induced. I would wait until you hear from the doctor to see what you should do. But with losing your son at 20 1/2 weeks, (and I am so very sorry for your loss) I would take things a bit easier! Not sure what your work involves, but if your on your feet all day, see if you can sit in a chair instead, and if your already sitting, just remember to take lots of breaks, and streatch your legs... :) I wish you the best of luck!

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