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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by Mom2be87

Q: What month am i in?

I am 14 weeks and..I have a question thats been confusing me...I heard that when ur 14 weeks..ur technically in ur fourth month..so if someone asks u in months do u say "im four months pregnant?" or "3 and a half "

This question was asked Dec. 22, 2012 4:55pm
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by a member - Dec. 22, 2012 5:07pm
You're at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, just into the 3rd month.

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Answered by Mom2be87 - Dec. 23, 2012 6:13pm
i guess there are lots of differnet infos...same as some say 13 weeks is the beginning of second trimester some say 14 weeks is second trimester..thanks everyone.. I think i'll go with the baby2see.com way lol..makes me happy to think im already four months!

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Answered by rachdunn2011 - Dec. 22, 2012 6:28pm
Im glad somebody else is just as confused as me but when your 16 weeks you will be 4 months and so on and so forth.

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Answered by lindsayannek - Dec. 22, 2012 10:44pm
From babycenter.com, the 3rd month is from weeks 13-17 and 4th month starts at week 18 - seems like a lot of conflicting info.

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Answered by janastep73 - Dec. 22, 2012 6:01pm
According to this website you're 4 months...


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Answered by a member - Dec. 22, 2012 5:19pm
Your 3 and a half months pregnant.. when your 16 weeks you will be 4 months. :) x

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Answered by lindsayannek - Dec. 22, 2012 10:48pm
Here's the link from babycenter:

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Answered by a member - Dec. 22, 2012 9:52pm
The way I worked it out throughout my pregnancy was:
12-16 weeks was 4th month,
17-21 weeks is 5th month,
22-26 weeks is 6th month,
27-31 weeks is 7th month,
32-36 weeks is 8th month and
36-40 weeks is 9th month. I know every mother has her own way of counting though- pregnancy is confusing!! I hope I helped a little! xx

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