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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by a member

Q: Oophorectomy during pregnancy?

I am 10 weeks pregnant today with my second child (2 previous mc and 1 chemical). At my 6 week scan they found a small cyst on my ovary. Two weeks later it was over 7cm and it is a tumor, not a cyst. My ob consulted a high-risk doctor and decided the mass has to come out immediately, and I am scheduled for surgery in two days. This has all happened very quickly and I haven't been given much information. I was wondering if anyone here had their ovaries removed (or similar surgery) during pregnancy? Was the mass cancerous? What kind of recovery time did you have? I have no idea how long I will be off work. What is the risk to the baby during surgery? Were you on bed rest or extra monitoring for the rest of your pregnancy? Any advice or information is greatly appreciated.

This question was asked Dec. 25, 2012 8:07pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Lucky3 - Dec. 26, 2012 6:04am
It wasn't during pregnancy, but just 6 weeks before I got pregnant. I can imagine you are very nervous and in the dark. The procedure is relatively "safe" and I am going to say that if they recommend having the surgery while pregnant, they must think the benefits outweigh the risks for you AND that its better for your baby. For me, recovery was about two weeks, with the first few days being the most exhausting. I also tried to limit the amount of pain meds I took and just rested as much as possible. I did get concerned when I got pregnant that the surgery would result in painful scar tissue mixed with pregnancy or even needing a c section but neither are true. Just remember, your ovaries are outside your uterus and even have the space of the Fallopian tube to separate baby from ovary. Ask your doctor any questions you have. They should take the time to address your concerns and assure you their best interests are for you and your baby. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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