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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Mom2be87

Q: Green tea

im 20 weeks and a half..and love green tea! I used to have it everyday before i got pregnant..Now i've cut it down..but lately found myself craving a cup per day.. its tea bags (heard they have more caffeine)...Is it ok to have a cup a day? Anyone knows how much caffeine is in it exactly?

This question was asked Feb. 5, 2013 3:49pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by FirstTimeMommyx0 - Feb. 7, 2013 1:49am

This site says a cup of green tea a day could actually be good for you, which I would think too because I always hear about how good it is for you, it's just the caffeine part but one cup is deff okay!

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Answered by LorraineP18 - Feb. 6, 2013 10:05am
Decaf green-tea! Then drink till your heart's content! :)

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Answered by lucyblue - Feb. 5, 2013 9:17pm
Green tea is very healthy for the large amounts of antioxidants that it contains. However, I did some googling on this when I first got pregnant because I also like to drink green tea a lot and I found some information that suggests drinking too much of it can be bad for 2 reasons: 1) too much caffeine and 2) drinking an extremely large amount of green tea can prevent you from absorbing folic acid properly. I'm going to assume that one cup a day isn't considered enough to prevent the body from absorbing folic acid, but I don't know that for sure? I drink a couple cups a week.


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Answered by maximelek - Feb. 5, 2013 5:16pm
My midwife told me I was allowed up to 4 cups of normal tea per day or 1 cup of normal coffee. So I think you should be fine with just having a cup a day x

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Answered by LalaRiley - Feb. 5, 2013 5:04pm
The exact amount of caffeine varies by brand and type of tea (there are more than one variety of green tea, black tea, etc.). You should be able to search the name brand & type and get the nutrition information. Its recommended that you don't go over 200mg of caffeine a day, but rarely does a single cup of tea come very close, especially if you are talking about the kind you brew at home. A Starbucks Trenta on the other hand... that's going to be quite a lot. You shouldn't have any problems drinking the kind you make at home. Enjoy!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Feb. 5, 2013 5:01pm
I wouldn't worry at all. If you were talking 6-8 cups a day then maybe but one a day is well below the acceptable limit of caffeine. I never drank coffee or tea prior to pregnancy but there have been weeks where I am really struggling and will have a cup of black tea a day in hopes of making it a few more hours before I nap.

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Answered by nikkiblueeyes - Feb. 5, 2013 4:36pm
You can get decaff green tea but its safe to have a few cups of tea or coffee a day! As for the caffeine yes tea bags contain more but because its brewed weaker than coffee you dont consume as much as you do in a cup of coffee xx

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