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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by ProudMomma89

Q: Could it be twins?

Hey ladies,
I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant, if you take a look at my pictures my bump has gotten quiet large over the past few weeks (please take a look) I have random people asking me how far gone I am a bit awkward to say most of our friends and family still don't know. It's getting harder keeping it quiet. 2days ago while lying in the bath I had my hands just were my uterus is an was applying slight pressure and I felt my baby move as clear as anything, every now an then I get a few flutters. This is mmy second pregnancy, in my first never had any sickness but this time ive had very strong sickness and cramps :s I have my first scan in 2 weeks and was just wondering does this sound like I could be carrying twins?

This question was asked Mar. 13, 2013 5:26pm
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by BenjaminsMommy2012 - Apr. 12, 2013 9:00pm
I was showing at 11 weeks with my first. but i wasnt having twins. i looked full term at five months and i was yired of nosy strangers asking how my "babies" were doing. anyways im a small person. if u are thin and have a small frame it can contribute to showing early. i had an outtie belly button and evrryhing :) only a u/s can tell for sure.

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Answered by Quartz3 - Mar. 13, 2013 6:49pm
Only an ultrasound can tell you for sure, but all that you're describing seems pretty common for a second pregnancy - it's normal to show earlier and to feel baby earlier. As for the morning sickness, it's possible to have it in one pregnancy and not in another. This is my second pregnancy and in the first tri the symptoms hit me harder than they had with my first pregnancy - and there is only one baby!

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