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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by jlreed96

Q: Best Stroller for New Borns

I am trying to find a stoller and since there are a ton out there I don't really know which one is best for a new born. I have done some research and most of the ones that I have found are both ugly and a little to expensive for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

This question was asked Mar. 18, 2013 12:12pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by a member - Mar. 18, 2013 7:16pm
I agree, a snap-n-go or some other stroller that lets you put the infant car seat into it is best for a newborn! Then you can transition to a regular stroller when baby can hold his/her head up. Or you can get one that allows you to change seats, llike the Britax B-Ready. It's pricey, but allows you to do different configurations with infant seats and toddler seats and make it a single or double stroller. I got this stroller with my first baby, anticipating adding on to it with my second, which I am about to do now!

If you're looking at comparing different brands, check out http://strollerqueenreviews.blogspot.com/. The writer tests out all different kinds of strollers and writes reviews of them all.

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Answered by a member - Mar. 18, 2013 3:09pm
I have been using the snap and go (the chicco version which is $99). It's 4 lbs and honestly the easiest thing to get in and out of a car. And post partum, I really didnt' want to be carrying the huge 20 pound strollers. It's extremely easy as the car seat fits perfecttly into the frame. I do have a regular stroller that I plan to use after she's 6 months old. The snap and go was by far one of the best purchases I made. You can purchase regular stroller and get car seat attachments or get a travel system stroller. I've heard the britax travel system is great. Honestly, it's not about the look...you should find something that is practical for your lifestyle.

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Answered by Emma78 - Mar. 18, 2013 2:05pm
Its not a very helpful answer but I think everyone is different inwhat they want in a stroller. I got a expensive stroller/infant seat. I only used it a short time before I switched over to a cheap umbrella stroller. A lot easier to carry and keep in the trunk of my car.

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