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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by Emma82v

Q: Double stroller??? Opinions and reviews wanted!

Hi I currently have a 14 month old and should be due in Nov with baby number two. So was thinking about a double stroller for an infant/toddler mix. I came across these sit/stand type strollers and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them or any dou le stroller. Looking for something relatively easy to move and to pack int the sedan ... :S if that exists. I do realize double strollers obviously are more chunky and take more space but hoping to get something very handy and not overly bulky and hard to handle. I am looking to get a used one off the net if I can as I have noticed on several sites there are a lot of them. Any options and reviews (good and bad) highly welcome. Thanks ladies!!!

This question was asked Mar. 19, 2013 11:29pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by SalinaR4 - Mar. 20, 2013 4:22pm
This is the exact stroller I had and I loved it the rear seat came out large storage Basket in the bottom. The canopys were removable....and it steared great!

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Answered by Emma82v - Mar. 20, 2013 12:10pm
Sigh. ... That joovy ergo caboose looks amazing.

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Answered by Emma82v - Mar. 20, 2013 12:10pm
Sigh. ... That joovy ergo caboose looks amazing.

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Answered by Emma82v - Mar. 20, 2013 2:28am
Salina if you don't mind me asking which brand did you have? I currently have a track stroller that I. Ought second hand. It has double wheels up front and I find it is soemtimes a pain to maneuver (they get locked opposite ways :S).
I didn't realize the JOOVEY came wih the sit/stand option. That sounds awesome however I am thinking it might be out of my budget :( unless I find one for a steal :)

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Answered by a member - Mar. 20, 2013 1:46am
I have the JOOVY ERGO CABOOSE and totally love it. Your infant can be closest to you and facing you, while your older child can sit in a regular stroller seat in the front. When you little baby gets bigger, she can sit in the front and your older child can do the sit or stand seat at the back. A phenomenal product - totally easy to set up and fold down!!

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Answered by SalinaR4 - Mar. 20, 2013 1:23am
I had the sit n stand stroller I absolutely loved it! My eldest could stand in the back and when his legs got tired he could sit...they fold up nicely although they r a bit bigger than a nornal stroller should be no problem putting in your trunk.

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