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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by Barbie

Q: Buying baby things from amazon? Smart or no>

I'm 36 weeks and my baby shower is next weekend, after my baby shower I want to buy all the things I still need. I really like going to stores to shop but I live in a big city and have already been to pretty much every store that has baby things and I'm thinking that I'll just order the rest of the things online from amazon because shopping isn't as much fun as it was a month ago because I get so thirsty and frustrated at slow people walking around me and you know all that hormonal stuff.
I've ordered tons of stuff online and have always been satisfied- but I'm just wondering if its a good idea to buy a lot from amazon because I know the pictures and reviews on products can be misleading and you cant touch the item and evaluate it like you can in the store...

How were your online shopping experiences (for baby items)? Were you satisfied with the products? Did they all arrive at once or one at a time? Would you recommend getting some baby things online?

This question was asked Mar. 24, 2013 5:37pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by jacksonwest - Mar. 27, 2013 2:31pm
I've done a lot of my baby shopping online. My only advice would be to compare prices, online is not always cheaper than stores.

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Answered by kCharleneS - Mar. 25, 2013 2:51am
I agree, go with shopping online. It's a lot cheaper and you get a lot more of a selection. I'd go by the reviews. I bought my playpen last month and got it within a week and it was GREAT! We plan on getting a lot more stuff off there. But I do know that they are no longer doing the free Amazon Mom thing. I tried. :-/ But still worth it. We're also probably gonna register on it.

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Answered by addizmnz - Mar. 24, 2013 6:48pm
Yes, I use Amazon all the time and get diapers, wipes, diaper genie refills, and lots of other essentials delivered right to my door, which is awesome! I also used it as part of my registry and got some baby gear such as the monitor, crib mattress, sheets and towels too. If you have Amazon Mom, like the pp said, you get free shipping for a limited time as well. When mine ran out I went ahead an purchased amazon prime; I use it so often the yearly fee is more than covered by my savings on shipping.

I know it's hard to decide on items you don't see, so if there is something you want to check out in person, I would go to the store for that, but for the majority of things that are pretty standard, amazon is cheaper and more convenient by far! Also, if anything comes in damaged or you just decide you don't like it, you can almost always return it for a full refund.

Clearly I am very pro-Amazon. :)

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Answered by ullstash - Mar. 24, 2013 6:17pm
Amazon is amazing! The best part is that you can sign up for 'Amazon mom' which is a free service that allows you to purchase diapers and wipes 20% off everyday with free 2 day shipping! (It's like amazon prime but without the yearly fee). I registered for about 60% of my baby shower items on amazon. (Mostly because a lot of things I wanted were only available 'online' at target and babiesrus. Good luck!

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