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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by lucyblue

Q: First time mom...what are the essential baby items I need and which ones are unnecessary?

I am 28 weeks and have started to do a bit of baby shopping this past week along with getting some gifts already. So far we have a crib, bassinet, electric swinging chair, lots of 0-6 months clothes, soft-hooded towels, wash clothes, baby bath tub, night light, bibs, high chair, stroller (jogger), baby carrier, blankets, and toys. I am planning on breastfeeding and using cloth diapers so we are getting an electric breast pump and a set of cloth diapers. What else are some essential baby items I will need and which ones are unnecessary? For example is it worth it to spend money on items like a nursing pillow or a change table? It's hard to know what I will end up actually using and would like to know your experiences. Also what am I likely to receive at my baby shower? I will be 35 weeks at my baby shower so I don't want to wait til then to start shopping because that is really cutting it close but I have no idea what items I am likely to receive.

This question was asked Apr. 1, 2013 2:16am
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by tibby8 - Apr. 2, 2013 6:52pm
For my shower I got so much clothes and bathtime soaps. Its hard to say what you will get but sounds like you got most of what u need. I went to showers where women only asked for gift cards or diapers. Just to make it easier for guests. Good luck (:

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Answered by tibby8 - Apr. 2, 2013 6:48pm
The boppy nursing pillow is great. Its good for feedings and when they are older its good for tummy time and support. No need for a changing table. My son lived on his swing the first four months. Same with the vibrating chair. And like febbaby said some bottles and formula just in case. I never produced enough milk either to exclusively breastfeed. The lactation consultant made me think I was doing something wrong BC she said all women can exclusively breastfeed I just wasn't trying hard enough. Pacifiers were a God send to me. Ppl say its disrupts their natural suckling instinct but every baby is different. My son couldn't sleep without it and he still latched fine when I did breastfeed. Also my son had colic and I noticed the collapsible liner bottles by Playtex limited his air in his bottles better than those expensive Dr brown bottles. Lastly a and d cream. My son had dry patches that looked awful on his cheeks; a and d cleared it up and when he scratched himself it healed faster.

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Answered by andBabymakes9 - Apr. 1, 2013 8:20pm
I loved my boppy(breastfeeding pillow) and plan on buying a new one this time! I've breastfed all 5 of my children for a total of 7+ years and couldn't live without it! A good rocking chair is a must for me too! And lansinoh ointment for sore nipples! Almost forgot....a couple good nursing bras and nursing tank tops! The tank tops worn under your shirt will cover your tummy when nursing in public! I commend you for choosing to breastfeed! If you have more questions or need advice please don't hesitate to message me! Good luck!

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Answered by Dec2012baby - Apr. 1, 2013 6:03pm
I think you have a good list going. Every baby is different in what the baby needs and likes. As a FTM, I registered for so much stuff and then realized I didn't need it and returned a lot.

Car seat? I see that you got a stroller. If you are going to use a regular stroller make sure that you have a car seat adapter. I had also planned on solely breast feeding, however, it took forever for my milk to come in so my husband had to run out to buy formula. It's always good to have some bottles ready at home. I never used my feeding pillows. You don't need a changing table. Just buy a changing pad (mine was $15 on amazon) and place it on the dresser. I put a rug mat underneath it for traction and it doesn't slide on the dresser at all.

I received only gifts from my registry and then received a lot of clothes or small toys when people came to visit the baby after she was born

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Answered by BGGirl - Apr. 1, 2013 1:48pm
Creamy Destin and Mylacon drops were my must haves as well as the vibrating bouncy seat. My DD loved hers and we plan on getting another one for this baby. Also if you plan on bottle feeding, I would have a good supply of bottled water. That was a great time saver was to keep several bottles with the powder already measured out in it along with a bottled water in the diaper bag. That way , no matter where I was, I was ready to feed her at a moment's notice.

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Answered by FebBabyx - Apr. 1, 2013 8:53am
My DD is 7 weeks old and we could not live without her vibrating bouncy seat. Georgia loves it and finds the vibration very soothing.. We have never used our changing table as of yet so that was a waste of money. We also purchased a baby bath but often find that its better for us to just put her in the big bath. I also planned on breastfeeding and managed 5 days before I just couldn't do it anymore (I have flat nipples and DD couldn't attach to get enough milk) so I recommend even though your plan is to breastfeed it doesn't always work out that way so possibly buy a few bottles, a steriliser ( we got a cheap microwave steriliser for very cheap) and some formula. I had my DF running out in the middle of the night to the 24 hour supermarket to grab those things because Georgia was screaming she was so hungry as I couldn't provide her with enough milk. Good luck with your L&D hun x

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