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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by bearmamma

Q: Baby essentials

Hi there,

I was wondering what are the basics I will need for a new baby. I am a 1st time mom and got confused with so much stuff for sale for newborns that I no longer trust what is essential and what is extra.


This question was asked Apr. 6, 2013 8:23pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by ullstash - Apr. 7, 2013 3:22pm
www.lucieslist.com it is amazing! the only list i used when making my registry. :) good luck!

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Answered by FebBabyx - Apr. 7, 2013 2:43pm
Hi, my DD was born 8 weeks ago and so far we could not live without her vibrating bouncy seat. I think she finds the vibration very soothing. I also love her sling, especially with DF at work all day its helpful to be able to put DD in the sling whilst I do a bit of tidying or making up bottles. You didn't mention if your planning to breast/bottle feed but I would also advise you on if your breastfeeding to have some bottles and formula in the house just incase. My plan was to breastfeed but could only manage 5 days due to flat nipples and DD couldn't attach. I ended up having DF running to the 24hr supermarket to buy those things because DD was so hungry as i couldn't provide her with enough milk. Items we bought which we have never used has been the changing table (to us it was a total waste of money!) and a baby bath. We find it much easier and quicker to use the big bath. I hope this waa helpful, congrats on the baby xx

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