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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by Junipers

Q: Am I expecting twins?? Q re scan pic at 5 weeks.

Hi there, I had a scan today at 5W 1D. There was one gestational sac and what looks like a little twig sticking out which is the yolk sac. Underneath is a fainter 'twig' and I'm wondering if I'm expecting twins. Can't shake the feeling that I am (I'm a twin so is my dad, both fraternal).I asked the sonographer and she said it was way too early to tell.

Going back for repeat scan in two weeks, but in the meantime any of you guys experience this and have twins?? Can't figure out how to upload photo d'oh!


J xx

This question was asked May. 4, 2013 2:43am
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by yummymummy1991 - May. 4, 2013 8:29am
Its entirely possible! I'm not an expert on twins and the only other thing I would say it could be was the bean and its yolk sack but if it looked like two beans and two yolk sacks then its possible! If you had a picture up I'm sure there's plenty of people that may be able to draw on experience! If in doubt, google images for comparison to what yours looked like!
Some will say yes, some will say no. You could currently have twins but sometimes there is the disappearing twin situation, I have heard of it but not sure how or why. Just nature for you.
Good luck!

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Answered by Shauna2710 - May. 4, 2013 3:23pm
My twins are in one placenta so you wouldn't necessarily see two sacs with twins if they are identical. Have you had any blood draws done for hcg levels?

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Answered by hopefullll - May. 4, 2013 12:53pm
So here is what I know about twins. The fact that your father is a twin will have nothing to do with you, it's only the mothers side that is taken into consideration seeing as it is solely the mother who passes on the hyperovulation gene (where the ovaries release more than one egg). So, being that you are a twin gives you a greater chance of twins but it's still pretty rare. And it depends on the factor that contributed to you being a twin! Was your mother over 35 or overweight? Apparently if either of these was a factor it may be that your mom doesn't actually carry the hyperovuation gene but that it was due to her weight and/or age that she released two eggs. Are there more twins in your family? Check out some other ultrasounds with twins. You will see 2 sacs for sure if it's fraternal twins you are carrying! And a lot of ladies (including me with my first) will confuse the placenta for another baby. You'll find out soon enough!

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Answered by Junipers - May. 10, 2013 6:18pm
Girls thanks so much for your replies! I had a m/c at 12 weeks in February and I have some romantic notion that God'll make it up to me and give me twins this time ;-) Anyway if I had one healthy baby I'd be so thrilled. I'm thinking now anything could happen, if you can still see this thread I'll let you know how I get on next week at my 7 week scan xxx

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Answered by estone - May. 4, 2013 9:27pm
They could be identical, but if there wasn't two visible gestational sacs, then they are not fraternal. If identical, there are a couple different types of twins. Mo/di which share a placenta and have separate sacs, di/di where they have separate sacs and placentas, or momo where they have they share the same sac and placenta. This type is very rare and dangerous. I had momo twins that I ended up losing in 2011 at 18 weeks. You should be able to tell more n a few weeks,,but 5 weeks is really early to be able to tell if you have twins.

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Answered by Wileve - May. 4, 2013 8:26am
Hi The chances that you could is bigger if you have so much twins in the family. I am still hanging in the air whether I am having twins due to a very old ultra sound machine as the new on got hit by lightning at my docs office myne also looks like there is two but have to wait till next week doc cant say with the old machine. so good luck. i know it is hard to wait so long.

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